Wow! It has been a long time since my last post. We have been very busy around here. Things are finally starting to settle down, so I decided to take some time to post.
Last week was the week of field day. In the life of an elementary PE teacher this is a BIG deal. I feel like it has to go off without a hitch. I do feel like I am being critiqued all day long by teachers, students, parents and administrators. This may not be the case, but this is how I feel. I really stress out about field day. This stress starts about a month before the actual day and last until it is over. The day went well and I had several sweet e-mails telling me how much fun people had. I am always glad to get positive comments. My main goal is for everyone to have fun and for the kids to get wet! That is all they want, right?
My little sister, Pily, came up from College Station to help and my wonderfully amazing husband took off a day of work to help, also. I just couldn't do it without them. They are my support, emotionally and physically. Thanks for helping me! I love both of you very much! Same time, same place next year!
After field day Drew got me and Pily a gift certificate to get our nails done. So, after we worked it out in a kickboxing class on Saturday morning, we went and got pampered at the nail salon. Then we went to Old Navy and Sam Moon. Sam Moon was CRAZY! There were so many people there. When we got home we both took naps. We woke up to a steak dinner made by my wonderfully amazing husband. Could you have a better day than that?
On Sunday, Kecia and her girls let me tag along to the last day of King Tut at the Dallas Museum of Modern Art. It was pretty amazing to see all the artifacts. We had a great time together. We came back to our house and had left over steaks! They were still very yummy!
Monday began another week. Only two weeks of school left before summer break! I took all my classes outside on Monday and enjoyed the beautiful weather. It was just perfect. I went to Keno last night and saw some of my favorite people in then world. I just love hanging out with them and feel blessed that they let me join their group about five years ago.
Today Bryson's class went on a field trip to the Dallas World Aquarium. I took a personal day so I could go with him. It was fun being mom today. We had fun walking around looking at all the animals, birds and fish. We even got to see the manatees. After the field trip Bryson and I stopped by Sam Moon on the way home. I bought Addison some bows, barrettes and two bags to take on our trip to San Antonio in a couple of weeks. When we got home I took an hour long nap and woke up to the smell of bacon cooking! Drew made pancakes and bacon for dinner. We have since taken baths and are ready for bed!
So, as you can see, we have been busy. I will try to not go so long between postings. I would hate to disappoint the four people who read my blog!
Big Boo Cast: Episode 432
3 days ago
yay! ive been waiting for this long post! haha..i had a great time and im glad I could help out! I still don't know how you do it...great PE teacher, great wife, great mom, AND sister! Can't wait to see yall in a couple of weeks! love you!
Finally. You must post more often as this is my total avenue of entertainment. I love reading your blogs. I'm glad everything went off as close to plan as possible and that Pili could assist. She really does look forward to that day of the year so she can be little again. Anyway Honey tell everyone hello and give them a kiss and hug. Be careful with the bacon or call me and I'll refer you to my cardiologist/surgeon. Really not too bad of a surgery but you could not handle the restrictions. I love you Jana and hope you get everything out of life that you so richly deserve.
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