Drew holding Addison when she was five days old. I just love this picture!

was in shock. I wanted another one. We had be trying for a year and nothing was happening. We had decided to stay in our house for several more years if we were to have a third child. Since it wasn't happening for us, we sold our house and bought a bigger one. We were to live with Drew's mom for six weeks until our house was ready.
After we were there a week I wasn't feeling right. I took a pregnancy test and it was positive! This really put a kink in our plans. We were going to have a baby AND a bigger house payment. Drew's first reaction was, "Oh, my gosh, I am going to have to get a second job!" (I have cleaned up his language for my grandparent's sake!)
We would have two kids in daycare for two years. We were really going to have to learn to stretch things. We knew deep down that we would be fine and that God would provide. We knew there would be some lean times, but also knew that we would make it.
We moved into our house in December 2006 when I was about 10 weeks pregnant. In January, Drew was given the opportunity to coach. Coaching meant extra money for our family. I was somewhat against him coaching, at first, but then decided it would be a great opportunity. He loves it and really enjoys the guys he works with, so it has turned out great!
I was due on July 13, 2007. My pregnancy went pretty smoothly. Each time I have had blood pressure concerns, but this one was nothing out of the ordinary. In March we found out we were having a baby girl. I was so happy! Drew wasn't as happy. He really thought we would have another boy. I had had a name picked out for years (since I was pregnant with Bryson). I knew that if I ever had a girl her name would be Addison Elizabeth. I just loved the name Addison and Elizabeth was my sister's middle name. I also planned on calling her Addie or Addie Beth, which I do.
I continued to exercise five days a week and gained my standard 35 pounds. I was put on partial bed rest at the very end of May, but I was able to finish out the school year. I spent the next couple of weeks enjoying the summer and resting for the new baby. My boys were each born about a month early so in my mind this is when Addison would decide to make her entrance. Boy, was I wrong! She wasn't budging. I ended up being induced on June 30, thirteen days before my due date. I was never so ready to not be pregnant any more! I was HUGE and miserable. I was uncomfortable and cranky (just ask Drew!).
On the day of my induction, I was so nervous. I had been through birth before, but never one that I had planned. The boys both came unexpectedly and fairly quickly. They started the induction process at about 8:00 in the morning and things went pretty fast. Addison was born at 1:38 pm. She weighed 8 pounds, six ounces and was 20" long and she was just beautiful. She was my largest baby by about two pounds. Bryson weighed 6 pounds 12 ounces and Jackson weighed 6 pounds 7 ounces.
I will never forget the first time Bryson saw Addison. He looked at her, then at me, and said, "Mom, I am going to cry because she is so beautiful." He started crying and so did I! He has loved her from the moment he saw her. Jackson has, too.
They have been great brothers to her. She adores them and the place she wants to be most is where ever they are. She loves to play "egos" (Legos) with them and can hold her own in a sword fight. She loves to watch "owboys" (cowboys) with them. She loves to play fight, wrestle and can make gun sounds with the best of them. She is feisty and soft at the same time. She is a princess (and will tell you she is). She has been everything I had imagined a little girl could be.
Drew thinks he is immune to the power a little girl has over her daddy. He just doesn't see, yet, how she effects him! He is so sweet with her and sings to her all the time. He had taught her so many songs. I love to watch them together. Her eyes light up when he walks in the door. I am thankful that he will get to experience her softness as she loves on her daddy.
I can't believe my baby is two. I can't believe how fast the past two years has gone by. There are times I want it to slow down and times I am anxious to see what the future holds for her and my two sweet boys. Happy birthday, Addison. We love you and you are our little princess!
Very sweet. I almost teared up, ILU.
She is an amazing little girl! I'm glad I've gotten to see more of her personality this summer & the dynamics between the kids. The boys are so sweet with her - she's definitely the princess!
Such a sweet post. You have the sweetest kids!
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