Goodness, I have been bad at blogging lately. Our world has gone from slow, lazy summer days to back to work, school and football season full force. I feel like I don't have time to breathe some days. The last three weeks are a big blur. I am ready for things to slow down a little bit.
My dad was in town this weekend. He hooked up with some friends on Facebook that he hasn't seen in about 40 years. They were able to hang out for several hours and reminisce about the good ol' days. He then came to our house to hang out with us. We had a good visit and we were sad to see him go.
My little sister, Pily, will be here on Saturday. She is competing in a triathalon this coming weekend. We are going to go watch. I've never been to one before, so I am looking forward to it.
We begin some after-school activities this week and Drew and I are going to start going to a Bible study at church on Wednesdays. We haven't gone to church on Wednesdays for YEARS because we don't like having a completely full schedule. I guess it's time we realize that life is a full schedule and learn to deal with it! We really need to get more involved and the boys need to get involved in Wednesday evening activities, as well. This is going to be a big change for us. I hope we don't kill each other in the process! :0)
Speaking of killing people, I have had such a short fuse lately. I don't know what is wrong with me, but my tolerance level is next to nothing. Maybe it's just because I haven't adjusted to being back at work, but I feel like I have nothing left by the time I get home. I give everything away during the day and save nothing for my own kids. This makes me feel guilty and oh, so emotional! I find myself yelling at my kids and Drew for such small things like crumbs on the kitchen floor. I immediately feel guilty, but then it happens again the next day. I don't like the fact that I treat other people's kids better than my own. I feel like my working is taking away from my family, but I HAVE to work. We cannot live on Drew's salary~ at least I would be miserable if we HAD to live on his salary. I feel so torn. I want to be the best teacher I can be, but at what expense? At the expense of my kids? My family? My marriage? I don't know how to balance it all. I am NOT being a good mom right now to my kids and I HATE that. They deserve so much better than I am giving them right now. I don't know how to change it. There is no wiggle room in my life. I am at my breaking point and I don't know how to fix it. Just when I need things to slow down we are complicating them more~ after-school activities, Wednesday night church, football season. I don't know how much more I can take. I feel so frazzled some days I can't even think. My thoughts become so jumbled sometimes. I guess this is how I am going to have to live for the next 16 years until Addison graduates from school. I just hope there isn't too much carnage in the process.
I will quit complaining now and try to enjoy my one day off for the next 12 WEEKS until Thanksgiving break. Yes, I have counted!
Big Boo Cast: Episode 432
3 days ago
I wish I could fix it. I will next year but I think things will settle in. I'm sorry things are so hectic. I'm here for you, ILU!
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