Pily and her friend, Carolyn, competed in a sprint triathlon on Sunday in Denton. They stayed the night with us (along with Pily's mother, Espy.) and I was able to go watch them swim, bike and run. It was fun being around competition again. The whole time I was watching I was thinking, "Man, I could SO do this." I have thought about trying to do a triathlon, but was concerned about the swim. I can swim, but I have never swum competitively. After watching today, though, I am pretty sure I could do it. I think this is going to be a goal of mine. I am going to do at least one sprint triathlon by the time I am 40. That is only two years away. I am putting it out there, so maybe I will actually do it. Physically I think I could do it right now, but I want to train for it. If there is anyone out there who wants to train with me, let me know! I would love to train with Pily, but she lives in College Station.

It has rained for three days here in Texas, but that didn't stop them! We stood out in the rain and cheered them on each time they passed us. I was motivated watching everyone competing.

This is Carolyn and
Pily. Carolyn won 2
nd place in her age group! Way to go, Carolyn!
I had to peel myself up off the couch to come write a post. I have been laying there for about three hours. Drew has rubbed my feet the entire time! The only reason I got up is because he got up to go fix dinner! I am so spoiled and I know it. Yes, he knows I appreciate him.
Yesterday, I went to the the gym as I usually do on Saturday mornings. I left about an 45 minutes early so I could run before my kickboxing class. I let myself sleep in on Thursday morning, so I had do a double workout to make up for it. I ran 4 miles and then took a one-hour class. I was BEAT by the time I got home. I walked in the house to Bryson vacuuming the floors and Drew cleaning the house. I took a shower and just sat on the couch. Finally, Drew told me to go to bed and take a nap. Of course, I couldn't sleep, but I stayed in bed for a couple of hours.
He cleaned the house and got things ready for dinner. He is just the best and doesn't want me to have to do anything on the weekends. Some times I take advantage of that, like yesterday, and some times I don't. Thanks, Drew for being so great and taking such good care of me!
Tomorrow starts another week and I hope I am ready for it. I get so tired by the end of each day, then I have to come home and take care of my three kids. I hope I am not short-changing them. I know that all I can do is the best I can do, but some times I fail to do that. Hopefully, my kids won't remember the bad days. I love my kids so much and don't want them to have to suffer because of my short-comings. I am going to try to exercise patience with them and look for the good things they do and not just focus on what they are doing wrong. Yes, sometimes I get hung up on the bad things and fail to acknowledge the good. I hope they grow up well despite their mother!
You are an AWESOME mother! I know what you mean ~ sometimes I think I would have nothing left either if I had kids to come home to, but you have more for them than you think!:)
I left you a long comment and then something happened to this system and I lost it. I will comment again soon.
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