What a week! I am exhausted. I know I say this ALL THE TIME, but I really am worn out. I don't know why the start of this school year has been so much harder than years in the past. Maybe having two kids in school instead of just one is the reason. I don't know. It would seem that things would be easier since the boys are both with me this year and I only have to drop Addison off at Miss Linda's, but that may have added to the stress. It may be that Addison is two now and we all know what a joy that can be! She is the most dramatic little thing. Could her crying almost every morning right when it's time to leave the house have anything to do with my stress level going up??? I sure hope this is a phase and not a window into our future with her!
Moving on. Jackson is doing GREAT in school. He loves his teacher and just loves learning. I was really worried about him before school started because he just had no interest in learning how to write his name, learn his letters or do anything but play with light sabers. But now, it is like his little learning light just switched on. He LOVES to learn. I asked him what the best part of school is and he said writing. He can write his name and knows most of his letters. He even knows how to spell a few words (dog, brown, red). I never had to worry about his behavior, though. He is such a rule follower and likes to please. I hope he stays this way. It helps that he has a WONDERFUL teacher and he LOVES seeing her each day. I am so proud of him and know that the future only holds great things for him.
Bryson is doing wonderfully in fourth grade. He has finally learned to love reading and spends a lot of time at home with his nose in a book. The other day he said, "Mom, reading is so much fun!" Have I not been telling him this for the past four or five years??? He thinks all three fourth grade teachers are awesome and likes going to school each day. I am thankful for the great teachers at our school and I am looking forward to the many things Bryson will learn this year.
Drew is knee deep in football season. I can't say that I love it, but I know he loves coaching. I will support him coaching for as long as he wants to do it. (I am saying this today, but there have been days I have wanted him to quit!) Eventually, he wants to be an administrator. That will happen when the time is right. Right now, though, I want him to enjoy what he is doing. He is really great about letting me relax on the weekends since I have to do just about everything with the house and kids during the week. For that, I am very thankful.
My job is going okay. I always struggle at the beginning of the year. I forget how young kindergarten kids are and how much they just don't know about being in school. My patience is always stretched at the beginning of the year. I will hang on and they will learn how I like things done in my gym. It's all a matter of training.
Today is the first day in a week that it hasn't rained. I have enjoyed the rain and the cooler temperatures it brought, but it has wreaked havoc on my hair! I am TRYING to let it grow out a little but, but this humidity makes it tough! My hair has just enough wave in it to be annoying. I have to fight with it every day. I am hoping that in a couple of months it will be long enough to not look so bad every day! I just hope I can make it until then without cutting it all off. Then I would just have to start over.
I slept in Thursday morning instead of going to the gym. I don't know why I let myself do that, because I just beat myself up about it for the rest of the day. I know it is better just to get up and go, but sometimes I let the need for sleep get the best of me. I did, however, go to the track by our school Thursday afternoon. I ran and did some bleachers while the boys played. I would do this a couple of times a weeks last spring and I think it really made a difference in my fitness level. I stopped going when it started getting hot. I don't like to feel like my head is going to pop off when I am working out! That is what it feels like when I get so hot. I am going to try to go to the track again this year once or twice a week. I hope it will be the change I need to start seeing results, again.
This post is all over the place, but I just wanted to update about how things are going so far this school year. I think of things to post about during the week, but by the time I actually get around to blogging I can't think of anything to say! Now, I am going back to the couch to watch some football and enjoy the rest of my Saturday.
Big Boo Cast: Episode 432
3 days ago
thats right..watch some AGGIE football! whoop! by the way we won : ) just in case you hadn't figured that out already!
glad the kids are doing so well in school! I'm sure Addie is just going through a phase (I would know since I have so much motherly experience haha).
cant wait to see you again! love you!
sweet post. i love you so.
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