Today marks the 18th anniversary of my sister's death. This date is stuck in my memory and I will never forget the events that happened 18 years ago today. I re-told my story last year and you can find it here if you wish to read it. It is so strange that in two years I will have lived as long without my sister as I did with her. Oh, the people I with she could have met things I wish she were around to see are too numerous to count. That day changed my life forever and I will continue to think of her every day.
Big Boo Cast: Episode 432
3 days ago
Every year at 7:00pm on this date I stop what I'm doing and say a prayer for Jamie. She meant so much to me and she had so many dreams that she never got to realize. Your life, your Mom's, your grandparents, Tracy's, and mine were all irreparably altered that day and at no fault of Jamie's. This year has been harder for some reason than the past years. Maybe because I'm getting older or because I'm needing you more all of the time. I love you Jana.
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