Addie did a lot of this this weekend. She likes to lay under our bed and watch t.v. in our room.
Drew picked Addie up on Friday and noticed that she felt a little hot. He took her temperature and it was about 99.5. She wanted to be held by her daddy and was stuffy and congested. Two hours later I took her temperature and it was 102.9. I could tell by her eyes that she didn't feel good. I stayed home with her while Drew took the boys to a high school basketball game. The basketball players at Drew's school were being introduced before the game, so he had to be there. I gave Addie some Motrin and settled in for the evening. After about an hour, she was acting like her old self. We spent the evening reading books, dancing, laying on the couch and watching Sesame Street.
Yesterday I cancelled everything I had planned so I could stay home with her. I missed Bryson's basketball game, but I'm sure he didn't mind. I think I yell (coach) him louder than any other mom in the gym, so he was probably glad I was not there! Addie and I fell asleep while watching Sesame Street (again!) and slept for a couple of hours. She played most of the day and never ran a fever, but she has a nasty cough. I later learned that four kids at Miss Linda's have had or have the same exact symptoms. I guess it is just something going around.
Today I stayed home from church with her. Drew took the boys. We were scheduled to have nursery duty, so Drew went to do it. It seems like just about every time we are scheduled to do it one of the kids isn't feeling well. He is always so sweet to go do it and let me stay home with whoever is sick. I think he let Bryson help him out today.
Addie still has a nasty cough. She is acting fine. I think I will just keep her in for the rest of the day today and hopefully she won't expose anybody at Miss Linda's tomorrow.
I have had fun laying around, not wearing make-up and not fixing my hair. I have looked horrible, but I don't care! I have caught up on some of my rest and have enjoyed my time with Addison. She usually just wants Drew, so it has been nice to be needed by her.
So, our weekend wasn't very exciting, but the rest was nice.
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