I know I haven't been too consistent lately about updating my blog. To my two readers who are still reading, I am sorry! :0) I will try to do better. Funny things happen and I will think about putting it on my blog then life happens and I don't seem to find the time. When I do find the time, I have forgotten all the funny parts! Is this age creeping in??? I sure hope not! I am going to be on the look out for some interesting/funny/embarrassing/weird things that happen to me or my kids and I will blog about it! I would like to get back to posting about our lives 3-4 times a week. That is my goal. We'll see what happens. Even though this post is really about nothing, does it still count? I'll say it does and it will give me a start for this week!
While I am here, I might as well brag on Bryson a little bit. Last night we had left-overs for dinner. Drew had cooked for my Keno group on Monday night, so we had a lot of food left over. He had a basketball game, so it was left-over night. After we ate one of my friends called to check on me. While I was talking to her, Bryson cleared the table, packed up all the remaining left-overs (left-over left-overs??), rinsed the dishes and put them in the sink. He then swept the kitchen floor and Jackson sucked up the swept-up stuff with the dust buster. I didn't have to prompt him or even say a word. He did it all by himself. These are the times I KNOW we are doing the right thing by being strict parents. I know some people think we are too hard on them, but if we don't do it now we will just have to do it later. My baby boy is growing up and I like the way he is doing it!
Big Boo Cast: Episode 432
3 days ago
I remember a time that you did that...just kidding, no I don't.
Love you,
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