Last Friday Addison wasn't feeling too well. She would fall asleep for a little while, wake up then fall asleep again. She did this five or six times. The evening I took her temperature and it was 101.5. She kept complaining about her throat and head hurting. We gave her some Motrin and she perked up.
The next morning she seemed better. We took her to Jackson's baseball game (He had an AWESOME hit!) and then to Bryson's practice. After that we had a birthday party to attend. She seemed okay, so we went. It was at the Ballpark in Arlington and it was a great party! While there, she was very clingy and cranky. She got too hot, also. She wouldn't talk to anyone and just wasn't too fun to be around. That evening she said her mouth hurt. I tried to look in there, but she wasn't very cooperative.
Sunday morning I kept her home from church while Drew and the boys went. I haven't been all summer and really miss it, but I didn't want to take her if she wasn't feeling well. She continued to be cranky and cried very easily. I decided to leave her alone. Nothing I did was making her feel any better, so maybe she just needed some alone time. I know I do sometimes! I went to check on her and she was on her bed reading. Of course, when she saw me she stopped. I grabbed my camera and tried to record her reading, but she wouldn't do it. I took a couple of pictures instead. She seemed to feel better during the day and now she is just fine. It must have just been a little virus.
Monday I took the kids to NRH2O for a couple of hours. The boys love to go down the water slides and I get to hang out with Addison. We ran into some friends while there and that is always fun.
Tuesday was our second No Technology Tuesday. The kids didn't complain at all and even reminded me of what day it was. We went all day without using the TV, computer and video games. The kids played with Lego's and with the dogs. We did turn on the TV to watch the NBA final game, but that wasn't until 8:00. I am out of town next week and Bryson has informed me that they aren't going to participate in No Technology Tuesday while I am gone! That's okay, we will pick it back up when I get back!
The rest of this week has been spent ironing, cleaning and throwing stuff away. I have kept myself busy with things around the house. The kids have played together okay, so that has helped. I do think Bryson and Addison have had a bit too much of each other, so I am going to take the boys to the water park tomorrow and let Addison and Drew hang out together. Hopefully, absence will make their hearts grow fonder!
So, our summer is moving right along. We are having fun with each other and enjoying time at the pool and water park. I love these summer months!