Monday, December 1, 2008

Fun with Friends!

Breon and Drew set up three tents for us to sleep in. This took a few hours, but they didn't complain at all (at least not to us).

Jackson loves to be outside and absolutely LOVES to ride the four-wheelers. Could you get a happier face than this?

Kourtni had fun playing with Belle and Jessie. She always gives them so much attention. They love her!

Addison is an outdoor girl, too. She had fun playing outside and riding the four-wheelers. She kept saying, "Side, side" every time someone went through the door.

Check out Kecia and her camo boots! I know she would make her daddy, the hunter, proud!

Canasta, anyone? Yes, that is Breon playing cards. He is even smiling about it!

Bryson and Jackson sitting on the tree. This tree is shaped like the number 4 and they are sitting about four feet off the ground. This tree is just down stream from the waterfall.

Drew and Breon bonding together on the rocks of the creek. Drew had already fallen in by this point and Breon had slipped about four feet on the slippery rocks.

At night by the camp fire. This is the night we made s'mores.

Is Breon falling in the water or is he trying to catch a fish with his hands? You decide!

We made it to the creek and everyone was still smiling!

The Dennis family in Oklahoma. Look how happy they are!

Bryson, Brea, Kourtni and Jackson at the creek. Jackson was not too happy at this point!

Jackson climbing the big hill after we crossed the creek. He is happy here because we had not gotten to the thick briars, yet! His mood changed after he got to the top of the hill.

Kecia walking gingerly across the creek. The bottom was very slippery and you had to go very slow. Plus, it was VERY cold!

We spent a wonderful and relaxing five days with our friends, Breon and Kecia and their two girls. We went to my grandparent's house in Octavia, Oklahoma. As I have mentioned before, this is my favorite place in the entire world. We wanted our friends to see for themselves how much fun country-livin' can be! My grandparents are so gracious to allow any of their kids and grandkids to bring their friends up there. Thanks so much, Grandmother and Granddad! We love you!
We (mostly, they!) spent three nights in a tent. Their girls had never slept outside before. Addison even got in on the action the last night in the tents. She is a camper now!
We, of course, had to roast marshmallows over the camp fire and made s'mores. The kids had fun playing in the fire with bamboo. If you leave it in the fire long enough, pressure builds in the sections of bamboo and eventually it explodes. (Science lesson!) The kids spent a lot of time throwing rocks in the creek. I did this when I was a kid. It was so much fun then. It is cool to see my kids enjoying the same things I did as a kid.
On Friday we ventured across Eagle Fork Creek. There was a light rain before we started and it continued for most of the trip. This made the rocks ever more slippery than they usually are. It just adds to the fun. Breon and Kecia were troopers as we had to get our feet wet to cross the creek. Then we climbed up the big hill and traversed through thick briars to finally reach the beautiful creek. They got to see the waterfall we talk so lovingly about. We took lots of pictures and headed back across the creek in a different spot. This time we got wet up to our thighs. Yes, it was VERY cold. The kids were great, except for Jackson. He whined most of the time and had to be carried through the briars. He is still a little young to appreciate the walk, but he will learn. Bryson, Brea and Kourtni did a great job. I think everyone fell at some point, except for me and Kourtni. (I just had to mention that!)
We laughed at so many things~ too many to even try to mention. We made some great memories together~ things we will remember for a lifetime. We love you, Dennis family!
We came home yesterday and everyone still loves each other. I think that was a successful trip! Now we are planning on going to San Antonio together next summer.
Jackson: What are you doing, Mommy?
Me: Making a list for things we need from Wal-Mart.
Jackson: Put something for me on that list.
Me: I can't. Daddy will get mad at me.
Jackson: No, he won't. Trust me. Just smile at him like this.
(Shows the cutest smile in the whole wide world!)
The boy learned early how to get what he wants!


Laura said...

Looks like ya'll had sooo much fun!