Friday, November 21, 2008

Early Christmas at the Simmons' House!

It's here! The boys were not too excited about their early Christmas present. They hid their faces and covered their ears when Drew and I stood in the bathroom door singing "We Wish You a Merry Christmas." They DID NOT see the humor in this. We got a good laugh out of it!
I still have to convince Drew that Santa can bring ONE present to each boy. I don't want ruin that for them. We only have a little more time for them to believe in Santa. Plus, I would still be able to say, "I'm going to call Santa if you are not nice to each other." I'm not ready to give that up!
This was a L-O-N-G week. I don't know why, but I didn't think it would ever end.
On Tuesday Jackson wanted to cut and glue some things from a book I bought him this summer. Addie had to get in on the action, too. It was too cute not to record.


Katie said...

What a sweetie! I love her pink pjs - do they have footies? :-)

Jana said...

Of course, footies! She calls them "docks." (socks)

Stefanie said...

I have to share this with you...I couldn't help but think of the Simmons family when Larry the Cable Guy was talking about getting a toilet tank cover in his Deal or No Deal skit on his Christmas special offense intended, of course, but I had to laugh!

Let's not mention that I just revealed what intelligent programs I choose to view on the boob tube!

Anonymous said...

I can't wait to see my baby in a few days!! It's been forever!!