Monday, July 18, 2011

Thoughts of the Random Kind

  • We are four weeks away from going back to work and I want time to slow down! There are days when I want to send my kids somewhere just so they can get away from each other (and me!), but most days are fine. The lack of routine is always tough for me, but I have remedied that by having a morning workout routine and schedule each day. I just do a lot better when I have a schedule.

  • Today I had grand plans to reorganize my closet, but I came home from the gym with a headache I just couldn't shake. I spent a few hours in bed this afternoon, but I could never fall asleep. I finally got up and took some Advil and ate dinner. I think it is finally gone. We went and got snowcones, too, so I'm sure that helped as well! :0)

  • I have been feeling a little self-conscious about my last post, but I am not going to delete it. I have had friends text, message and talk to me about what I said and, evidently, I'm not the only one who has issues. (No, I really didn't think I was the only one. It just feels that way sometimes.) Each day is a struggle to change my train of thought, but I am working on it.

  • We are getting ready to go to Florida. The kids are really looking forward to it. I am too, but I am just anxious about the drive. Once we are there I will be fine until we have to drive back! I am determined to have a good time, though, and make it a memorable experience for my kids. Yes, happy memories! :0)

  • I got a new camera at the beginning of summer and haven't taken very many pictures. This was not my intention, it just happened. I plan on taking a lot when we are on vacation, so prepare yourselves for a long picture post before we go back to school.

  • I really wish I had something to blog about each day, but the truth is we are just boring! I finally have the time to blog and have nothing to blog about! On that note, I am going to stop right here and go sit my happy butt back on the couch! See? Pretty boring!