Sunday, December 4, 2011

Second Half

Today I ran my second half-marathon. Last year I swore I would NEVER do another one. I even used some colorful words when I said it! I didn't think I would ever run again. After calming down and changing my workout routine, I reconsidered. I signed up for another one six months ago knowing that I would have to do it if I paid for it. We trained all fall and finally race day came. My goal this year was to enjoy it. I am proud to say that not only did I enjoy it this time, but I ran my personal best time of 1:58. That was even done in 45 degree temps and rain. I really think the rain helped by keeping us cool. I am even contemplating running a full marathon in the next few months. I may not be able to run the whole thing, but I want to complete one.

I am so thankful for Drew's support and understanding that this is something I want to do. He may not understand it, but he has told me more than once that he will support whatever I want to do. I am blessed by that man.

I always hated running. I wasn't good at it and I just didn't like it. I am stocky and have short legs. I am definitely not build like a runner! At one time I worked up to running five miles at a time. That was quite an accomplishment for me. I didn't do it very often because it hurt! :0) After I had kids just running a mile or two was torturous. I knew running would change my body, but I just didn't like it. Once Nancy and I started running together I started getting better at it and it didn't hurt so much. I finally realized that I could be a runner even though I'm not build like a runner and always hated it. I may not be fast, but I just try my best. I won't say that I enjoy running for the sake of running,yet, but hopefully I can get there. I like how I feel AFTER I run and I like how much stronger I have become, so maybe one day I will like to run for enjoyment. Who knows! Miracles happen every day!