Well, I haven't had much time this week to post anything new. Between the Olympics, three kids, a husband and working I haven't had a lot of time. The Olympics will be over this weekend, so that should free up some time. I actually went to bed early a couple of nights this week instead of watching the Olympics. I couldn't take not getting enough sleep anymore!
School starts Monday and that is both good and bad around here. I am glad to get back on a routine. We all do so much better with a schedule. It is hard though because there just never seems to be enough time each day to do everything I need/want to do. Since going back to work, I have only seen Addison for a couple of hours each day. I don't like that. I see the boys a little more because they stay up later than she does.
Addison has also been sick this week, so those hours were not quality hours. She was whiney and cranky and I was actually relieved when she went to bed. That just makes me feel guilty to WANT her to go to bed. She started running a temp. on Sunday. Not high, just around 100.5 or so. This went on for three days. Finally, Drew took her to the doctor. (She weight 23 pounds now! Big girl!) The doctor said it was probably just a virus of some kind. (This is always the case, it seems.) Anyway, there was nothing to give her, we just had to let it run it's course. The day after the doctor visit, she broke out in a rash. It was just on her face and neck. It has since spread to the rest of her body. Last night the places on her legs were pretty warm to the touch. Hopefully, this is all part of the same virus. She hasn't eaten much this past week, either. Hopefully, she is on the mend and will get back to her cute little self this weekend. I will post pictures later. We have one where she fell asleep in her chair with a cookie in her mouth!
Bryson is ready for school to start. He has a great teacher, who happens to be my friend, this year. He is not too thrilled to have to take the TAKS test this year, but I'm sure he will do just fine.
Jackson has one more year at Miss Linda's. He is ready to go to school, also. He wants to be a big boy so badly. I bought his some ABC flash cards so he can learn his letters. Maybe this will make him feel special.
Hopefully, I will get to post more than once or twice a week. Were really not that exciting to post very often, but I could atleast put some pictures up!
Big Boo Cast: Episode 432
3 days ago
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