Sunday, August 24, 2008

Week in Pictures

Addie was so tired after a day at Miss Linda's. She fell asleep eating dessert!
This is what Bryson did while we were watching the Olympics.
And Jackson did the same!

Guess what I can do?????
I can throw away my own diaper!!!!! I am such a big girl now!
This is Drew watching the Olympics. Notice my feet in his lap! He loves to rub my feet!
This is where I have been for the past two weeks! Watching the Olympics! Go USA!
Addie took my spot for just a few minutes.


Anonymous said...

You are pretty much amazing. I love what you've done with the site! I think I might make one eventually = ) As you see I should be in bed but I'm being entertained by the daily adventures of the Simmons family! Great way to keep in touch! love ya!