This entry would not be complete without a shout out to "Uncle Daddy" Breon! Addison loves it when "Uncle Daddy" comes over to play!
The best times in my life are when all three of them love eachother. They really get along well and for that I am very thankful. Bryson is a wonderful "big, big brother" and Jackson is a great "big brother." Addison is a very lucky little girl to have two brothers to look out for her.

There is nothing better than when the boys are playing together nicely. Hopefully they will be best buddies their entire lives. I love these two sweet faces!

Addison was "helping" hunt for crawdads at the creek in Oklahoma.

This is Drew and the kids at the creek cooling off after a crawdad hunt. See how much Jackson loves his older brother? This is their favorite place in the whole world!

Swimming in the creek. They swim, Drew fishes. Country fun!

Jackson played with Addison's squirt toys more than she did. We have a huge float with a mesh insert that stays in the water. I can sit out of the water and the kids can sit in the water. It's perfect for the creek.

Addison turned one this summer. I can't believe a year has already gone by. Some days I felt every second and some just flew by. It seems just a short time ago that we were celebrating Bryson's first birthday and now he's 8! Where does the time go?

Aunt Kelly gave Addison a "Birthday Princess" crown to wear. She sure knows how to spoil a girl! Thanks, Aunt Kelly for reminding everyone that I am a princess. (Like I would let them forget!)

My wonderful grandparents come and stay with us sometimes, although not as much as we would like! My kids adore them, and so do I. Not many kids get to play and have fun with their great-grandparents. Come see us more often, Grandmother and Granddad!

Addison was acting a little "wild" after her bath one night. She was having a good time and in the background you can see the fruity Cheerios she threw on the floor. Jackson kept telling me I needed to clean them up. I guess our cleaning habits have already rubbed off on him at the tender age of 4!

This is me and Addison before baby dedication at church. Better late than never!
This is just some of the fun we have had this summer. I have enjoyed our time this summer, but all good things must come to an end. We go back to work this Friday. Back to schedules and routines.
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