Sunday, August 31, 2008

Pretty as a picture!

Addison was looking so cute this morning before church, I had to take her picture. What I didn't take a picture of was her 30 minutes later with vomit ALL over her! She threw up as soon as we parked the car in the church parking lot. It was EVERYWHERE! We just got back in the car and drove home. (Of course, the boys were covering their noses the whole way!) I don't know if she got car sick or gagged herself by sticking her hand in her mouth. I don't think she is sick because she is acting okay, doesn't have a fever and ate a snack and lunch before taking a nap.

I think my foot and back pain is just about gone! My body has adjusted to being back at work. My hip still hurts, but I think that is something I am going to have to deal with in the future. I'm sure that won't be fun.

The boys wanted us (me and Drew) to go out on a date last night. What they really wanted was a few hours away from us! We hadn't been on a "date" in a LONG time, so I called my cousin's wonderful daughter, Ashley, to see if she could come over for a couple of hours. We couldn't decide where to go and ended up calling Breon and Kecia to see if they wanted to go with us. (We really enjoy hanging out with them.) They came over and Ashley watched their girls, too. Dinner was great and the movie was good according to Kecia and Drew. Breon and I took that time to take a nap! I don't know what it is about movies, but I CANNOT stay awake! So I dozed off and on the the entire movie. The only thing that kept me from falling completely asleet was the fact that it was so COLD in there. Next time I am taking a jacket! I know we should go out on dates more often. We will just have to make time for it!