Today has been a day. Whatever could go wrong, did. I'm sure in the big scheme of things my issues don't look so big, but they are big for me for today. I can't really elaborate more than that, but just know that I could use some prayers and support right now. I am hopeful that tomorrow will be better and I am actually looking forward to going to bed so I can put this day behind me. I better post will follow soon~ I am confident in it!
Big Boo Cast: Episode 432
3 days ago
I'll be praying for you! Love you!!
I am very confident in your ability to get things handled. You are the most amazing person I know! I'll pray for you throughout the day. ILU!
Just read the blog so I hope today brings you renewed blessings and an uplifted spirit free from all the trials and tribulations that you faced yesterday. I pray for you and the family daily and will continue to do so. My hope for you is that you have a wonderful and fulfilling day and that Drew cooks you something delicious for dinner. Give everyone a hug and kiss and then give them one from me.
All My Love,
Just read I'm a day late! I hope today was better for you...I don't even think I SAW you today! I'll be praying things are better. Let me know what I can do to help.
Love ya!
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