I know y'all think this post is going to be about me complaining about why something terrible (that doesn't seem so terrible to others) is happening to me. Well, you are WRONG! This post is about Bryson.
Tonight we were watching the news. There was a super sad story about a baby with a brain condition that causes her to need a respirator to breathe. There is another baby in the same hospital who is in need of a heart transplant. The parents of the baby on the respirator know she is going to die and they want her heart to be donated to the other baby to try to save her life. Bryson was listening to the story and said how sad it was. His voice began to shake and he wanted to know why God would do that to those babies. I told him that God didn't "do that" to those babies but that he allows things to happen for various reasons. That didn't settle him down. He looked up at the ceiling with his hands in the air and said, "Why, God, Why?" He then said, "If God were here I would look Him right in the eye and ask why does this baby have to die." I just tried to explain to him that we don't know why some sad things happen but God has a plan for us and he is in control of every situation. We may not like it, we many not agree with it, but His way is the right way. Of course, I was speaking to myself as I was speaking to him.
Oh, how I have wanted to "look God right in the eye" and ask why some things have to happen. I am just thankful that God is in charge and not me. I would have screwed things up a long time ago!
Big Boo Cast: Episode 432
3 days ago
Bryson, Happy Birthday!!! I do not understand some of the things that come our way, but I think your Mother explained it real well. I am so proud of you for being so caring for those little babies. That's just the way we care about you, and don't want anything bad to happen to you or your family. But when they do, we have to trust that God is in control and He only wants the best for us, maybe we need to learn from some of the bad things that do come our way.
Granddaddy & I have loved every minute we have had the pleasure of being with you. Can't wait for the next time!!
Happy Birthday!!! Love you so much!
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