I had just been put on bed rest on April 29, 2004. I was almost 36 weeks pregnant and was looking forward to some much-needed time away from work before my baby came. I got my hair cut and rested on the first day. The second day, I woke up with the urge to clean everything in site, including the floors. (I should have recognized the signs!) Around noon, I noticed I was having uncomfortable contractions. I thought they were Braxton-Hicks contractions and went on with my cleaning and laundry. Several times throughout the day I stopped what I was doing and sat on the floor with my legs out and I rubbed my belly over and over. This felt good and seemed to help the contractions go away. I never ate lunch. I just never felt hungry. Around 3:00 I called Drew and told him that I thought I might be in labor, but to finish what he had to do that day (which included mowing his mom's and his grandmother's yards) and we would see what happened after that. I packed our bags (just in case) and called my mom and asked her to come over to stay with Bryson in case we decided to make a trip to the hospital that night. Drew came home and I decided to watch the 9:00 news before we decided whether to go to the hospital or not because I thought it was supposed to rain. My contractions never went away, so we decided to go. On the way, I remember that I had forgotten to purchase some much needed things at the store that I would need after the baby was born, so we went to Walgreens. I bought some snacks and drinks, too. I didn't know when I would be able to eat again and I wanted to be prepared!
When we got to the hospital I changed and they hooked me up to be monitored. I was dilated to a 3, but they wouldn't do anything to help labor along since I wasn't considered full-term. (I was 35 weeks and 6 days at this point.) They also wouldn't try to stop the labor since I was that far along. They kept me through the night and decided to keep me around 8:00 the next morning. I had dilated more on my own throughout the night and they knew the baby would be coming on his own. We made all the calls and I got my epidural. Jackson Reid Simmons was born at 12:36 pm on May 1, 2004. He weighed 6 pounds, 7 ounces (the scale actually showed 6.66 ounces, but they rounded up!) and was the cutest little thing! He had a head full of dark hair, just like his big brother. Bryson loved him from the moment he waw him and they have been best friends ever since.
Jackson is a sweet, caring little boy who loves with his whole heart. He says the cutest things sometimes and has the sweetest little giggle. Jackson is a great big brother to Addison and a fantastic little brother to Bryson. He has a great disposition and loves to help others. He has a way of making me smile like no other. His eyes light up when he is excited about something. He can't say his r's yet and that is so very cute to me! He still lets me hold him and that makes my heart very happy! Happy 5th birthday, Jackson! Mommy loves you very much and I am very proud you are my son.
This is one of my favorite pictures of them together. Bryson wanted to hold his baby brother and ended up falling asleep holding him.
Check out that belly button! It was HUGE! I taped a half-dollar to it for awhile, then just gave up. Now Jackson has the cutest little belly button, but I sure was worried at the time!
Drew thinks he looks like Tatu from Fantasy Island in this picture!
Taking a ride on the Tarantula Train. That was one L-O-N-G day!

Cutest little boy in the tub!

Mommy and her boys!

Jack on the go.

My all-time favorite picture of Jackson. He had just turned a year old at the time. Could he get any cuter than this?
awww...little Jackson!!!! i'll call you tomorrow evening to tell him happy birthday! can't wait to see y'all this saturday! :)
So cute! I love the picture of Bryson holding him!
De plane! De Plane! So funny. Thanks for taking the time to put up pictures. ILU
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