Let me just say that this little girl makes me laugh. Every. Single. Day. She just cracks me up! I started talking to her about potty training just before she turned 2 this summer. I got her the Elmo Potty DVD and my dad got her the Elmo with his potty for her birthday. She is smart as a whip so I knew potty training her would be no big deal. Well, let me just tell you that I was TOTALLY wrong! She has no interest in using the potty to go potty. She will use it as a step stool, a chair to read a book or look at a magazine and will even put her baby on the potty. But, she will not use it! At Miss Linda's house there are two other little girls around Addison's age. She started trying to potty train all three about a month ago. The other two girls took right to it, but not Addison. She does not want to go. I don't think she is scared. I just think that since everyone wants her to do it, she doesn't want to. I know she will eventually come around. In all my years of teaching I have yet to see a Kindergartner walk in with a diaper bag! I don't really make a big deal out of it. I will ask her if she wants to use the potty. Sometimes she says yes and sometimes she says no. When she says yes I take her to the potty and let her sit there. Nothing happens, she stands up and says she is finished. I don't praise or scold, I just say okay and put her diaper back on her. I have let her walk around with just panties on but then I just end up having to clean up after she wets in them. Plus, it drives Drew crazy. He would never admit that, though, but I can read it all over his face. So, I will continue to ask her if she wants to use the potty and eventually I'm sure something will actually happen. Until then, she will continue to pull about 20 wipes out of the container, position herself close to me and proclaim, "I poo poo, Mommy! You change me, please?"
Big Boo Cast: Episode 432
3 days ago
Funny, I love your stories.
That was me.
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