Man, am I TIRED! I think I need a B12 shot or something. I don't think I have ever had one, but I hear they are supposed to give you some energy.
Last night I had my light out at 7:30. I was so happy when Drew got home earlier than I expected. I saw him about 15 minutes and went to bed. I slept until 4:15, but I still woke up tired and sleepy.
Tonight, after yawning all the way home, I put Jackson and Addison in my bathtub. I left them in there for 45 minutes. Yes, I said 45 minutes. I was so tired and just needed some time to get dinner together. They were having a great time and I checked on them periodically, so they were safe. Happy and clean~ that's the way I like them!
Tomorrow I have a doctor appointment. Instead of trying to find a sub to work a half day I took the whole day off. I need some time to myself. I plan on spending some time sleeping and relaxing. I hope nothing ruins my plan.
It's pretty bad when I am looking forward to November 1st so I can get an extra hour that day!
I am SO looking forward to Thanksgiving break. I feel like I just need to get away and find a way to refocus. Although travelling is stressful with my kids (they are all prone to car sickness) once we get to Oklahoma I will be able to relax. I just hope the next 6 weeks so by quickly.
Well, it's almost 6:30 and the couch is calling. I wish I could go to bed but I have three things standing in my way~ Bryson, Jackson and Addison. The couch will have to do.
Big Boo Cast: Episode 432
3 days ago
I have been reading your blog (I hope you don't mind). I just wanted to say that last year I was feeling the same way you are describing. This year I am feeling tons better. If you are interested in chatting about it let me know.
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