Today I want to focus my blog posting on my two wonderful boys. I am so proud of them and feel the need to give them a BIG shout out on my blog. So, here goes!

Bryson is such a sweet, sensitive big boy. (I can't believe my baby is only 5-6 inches shorter than me!) He is becoming a very good student and has learned that reading can be fun! He reads every morning after he gets ready for school and while we are in the car heading to school. He even loves to read to Addison. I swear, it is the cutest thing EVER! Today he received some awards at our schools' Celebration of Kids assembly. I know he loves the attention, but will never admit it! I fought back tears each time they called his name. My heart just swells with pride for that boy.

Jackson is turning into a wonderful student. He has always been a people-pleaser so I knew he would know how to behave in school. Before school started I was really concerned about his ability to learn. He was just never interested in wanting to learn how to spell his name, learn his letters, color or anything else that required him to sit still for too long. Here we are seven weeks into school and he is blossoming. He has learned all his letters and sounds and knows how to spell about 20 different words. He picks out the beginning sounds of various words he hears in daily conversation and tries to find rhyming words for them. He is beginning to read some simple words and is eager to color. What a change.

Today he received the Kindergarten Circle of Courage award for the 1st six weeks. His (wonderfully sweet) teacher wrote about his bright smile and positive attitude. She recognized him for his determination and positive attitude. I was so proud of him today and, of course, a few tears fell down my face while I was taking his picture. All was well until a group of 5th graders noticed and began to whisper to each other, "Mrs. Simmons is crying." They were real sweet about it and one even said, "Well, he is her baby." I get very emotional when it comes to my kids. I can't help it. It is just the way I am wired! Someone in Bryson's class told me that he even shed a tear when Jackson was being recognized. Bryson is just as sensitive as I am, if not more. He loves his little brother so much and is so proud of him! (Just another thing to love about Bryson!)
So today, I am choosing to highlight my sweet sons. I love them more than words can describe and I am so thankful that I get to be their mommy! I will highlight Addison another day!
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