Addison has been singing her ABCs for a while now. She knows the letters in her name and started naming letters she sees in various places (signs, books, etc.). Yesterday I decided to see exactly how many letters she can name. She can name 13 upper case letters! She can recognize a few more when I ask her to find a certain letter. Example, "Point to the letter Y." She only knows the lower case letters in her name, so we still have some work to do. Not bad for a little girl who just turned two four months ago. She continues to amaze me with what she knows. The boys love to teach her things and she loves to learn from them. I know they are the reason she is so smart. It certainly isn't from me and Drew! One day, I am certain, she will even learn to use the potty! I just hope the boys don't teach her to use it standing up!
Big Boo Cast: Episode 432
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