Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Yummy Mummy and UPDATE on Jackson

Addison had been having fun playing Mommy since we have been staying home to take care of Jackson. Here she is cleaning out her baby's nose. Sometimes you just have to pick it out!

I kept hearing her say, "Ees ok baby, ees ok baby." She was sitting on the couch with her baby and she was patting her baby's back. So sweet!

Of course, saying, "Cheese," for the camera!

Then she found the boy's safety glasses for their Nerf guns. She was looking so chic taking care of her baby while sporting the latest in eyewear fashion.

What a Yummy Mummy!

Today she had the baby in the stroller~ still wearing her fashion eyewear! While she was pushing her baby around she was singing "This Old Man" to her baby. She has had a great time staying home taking care of Jackson.


Jackson, on the other hand, isn't feeling so great. He hasn't eaten much since Saturday and only want to drink water and Gatorade occasionally. I am starting to get worried about this. Drew is going to take him to the doctor in the morning. Of course, there were no appointments left today. If he gets too bad we won't hesitate to take him to urgent care. I am worried about all the coughing he is doing and his lack of appetite. Also, he is only awake about 2 hours during the day. The rest of the time he is sleeping. I know his body needs sleep to fight off whatever is going on inside of him, but it is really starting to worry me. I thought today would be better since Drew said Jack woke up dripping with sweat last night. I was hoping he would start to feel better today, but today seems worse than yesterday. At least yesterday he wanted to get dressed and go outside for a little while. I will just watch him and see what happens.


About 10:30 this morning I went to check on Jackson because I heard him coughing. He was burning up. I asked him what hurt and he said his throat and chest. I immediately knew something was not right. I called Drew and told him that I didn't think Jack could wait until tomorrow to go to the doctor. I had Addison at home with us and didn't want to take her to the urgent care center, but I thought Jack needed to be seen today. Drew left work and went to get Bryson from school. He came home and got Jackson and took him to Cook's Urgent Care Center. By the time he was seen by the triage nurse his temperature was over 104 degrees. She listened to his chest and said it sounded fine. Drew said he would call again when he knew something. After waiting for what seemed like FOREVER Drew called back and said they were going to test him for the flu and do some chest x-rays. He tested positive for the flu and has pneumonia in his left lung. He was given two shots and a prescription for antibiotics. They are home now and Jackson has gone back to bed. He did eat a few bites of pizza and drank a little Coke. We are just giving him anything he requests to eat. He has gone so long without eating that anything is better than nothing. Drew is going to stay home with him the next two days and I will stay home again on Friday so I can take him back to the doctor for a follow-up appointment. Please pray for my little guys' comfort and that his lung will clear up quickly.


Stefanie said...

I'm worried about him, too! I'll be anxious to hear what the doctor says. He's been a sick boy a long time, and it doesn't sound as if his little body is beating this. I hope with all that coughing it's not pneumonia. Meant to text you today...crazy day. Miss you at work!

Stefanie said...

Poor little guy...I've already said a prayer for him and will continue. I wondered if something was wrong when Bryson left early today. Thanks for the update...I'll keep praying for his healing. Love you!

Laura T said...

Oh, poor Jackson! I am praying for him and I hope he starts to feel better soon!

Laura said...

Praying for your sweet family! Let me know if you need me to take Bryson to school, or bring him home! I'm just around the corner, and would love to help out!

Heather said...

Poor little Jackson! I will be praying for him to get well soon.