Sunday, May 3, 2009

Jackson's FIFTH Birthday Party!

My dad bought Jackson some cowboy clothes~ shirt, jeans, bootts and a hat! He was so excited and wanted to wear everything to his party at Cabela's. He looked so cute. He can round-up any cowgirl he wants looking that cute!

Here's his cute cake we got from Creative Memories. They did a wonderful job.

I can't believe my little boy is five. He is getting so big and will start kindergarten in the fall.

Here is Bryson at the shooting gallery. The kids had fun shooting at all the animals.

This is the gang. Jackson's friend,O, in the green shirt didn't like the animals at all. She stayed by her daddy most of the time. She and Jackson love each other so much so he was able to persuade her to stand by him for a picture.
We didn't take Addison to the party. She still had her spots and we didn't want to expose anyone to chicken pox or whatever she has.
Jackson had a great time and enjoyed having a day that was all about him. Being the middle child means that he sometimes gets lost in the shuffle, so it was good to be able to focus just on him for a day. He is such a sweet little boy and I look forward to the young man he is going to become.


Anonymous said...

Well, that cute cowboy has me "rounded up", that's for sure!!!!
Made me so sad that I couldn't be there. But he will have to get all dressed up for us when we get there.
His cake was just "beautiful" and so fitting, as that's what you meant for it to be!!!!
Thanks for sharing the pictures with us.
Love You,