Sunday, August 30, 2009

August 30, 1995

I wish I had a picture of me on August 30, 1995. This is the day that changed the course of my life. I had no idea at the time that this was the case, but looking back on it my life would not be the same if the circumstances had been any different on this day exactly fourteen years ago.

This was the day I was supposed to start student teaching in Birdville ISD. I had actually been scheduled to teach in Fort Worth ISD, but my assignment was changed at the last minute. I showed up at the school I was assigned to in Birdville only to find out they already had a student teacher in PE there. After some calling around, I was sent back to the administration building. Some more calls were made and I was told to go to Mullendore Elementary. I was given directions and went there immediately. The PE teacher there had agreed at just a moments notice to take on a student teacher.

I walked into an un-airconditioned, tiny and dark gym. The kids were learning how to juggle scarves. The teacher, Cheryl, was sitting on the floor with a group of kids and a young guy was sitting in a chair at an old desk. I introduced myself to the teacher and learned that the guy's name was Drew. He was the PE assistant. He was cute and seemed friendly. I remember sitting on the floor with the kids and learning how to juggle. When it was lunch time I sat with Cheryl and Drew came in later. We talked and it seemed like we would get along well together. The rest of the day in pretty much a big blur.

I worked full-time at Montgomery Ward through college and had to work after a full day of student teaching. (To this day I don't know how I had the energy to do that. I think the reason I refuse to over-schedule us is because I can still remember the feeling of being so tired I didn't think I even had the energy to keep breathing some days.) I worked that night at the mall and Drew and a friend came up to say hi. We talked for a little while and shared some laughs. (My current boyfriend worked upstairs and I remember that I kept glancing up to make sure he didn't see me talking to two guys!)

After student teaching for a couple of weeks, Cheryl accepted an assistant principal job at another elementary school. That left me and Drew to teach PE. He taught me some games he had seen Cheryl teach the kids. Mostly, though, we just stumbled through. Drew would sit in his car every morning and wait for me to get there. We played games with the kids and talked A LOT. We joked, laughed and had a great time each day. Eventually, they got a sub to come teach PE. I was only there about six weeks before I moved on to my next assignment.

The last day I was there he gave me a poem he had written. I don't remember what it said, but I remember that it brought me to tears. (This was a big deal because I didn't cry as easily then as I do now!) I didn't keep the poem. I was afraid it would be seen by my boyfriend at the time. I found out at some point (I don't remember when exactly) that Drew told Cheryl on my first day at that school that I was the girl he was going to marry.

I moved on to the next school, kept dating my boyfriend and eventually ended up teaching high school Biology the second semester of that school year. Drew remained a friend to me and called about once a month. Each time he called he asked how I was and if I was still dating "that guy." When I would answer "yes" to the second question he would always cut the conversation short and we would hang up. He would call back a few weeks later and inquire about the same things. This continued for about six months. One month he called and asked the same two questions. This time I answered "no" to the second one. He said he would be right over. He came over that day and we talked or saw each other each day afterward. We went through some trying times, but eventually ended up together. We were married on June 28, 1997. I had a great time student teaching at Mullendore Elementary and met some great people there. I am still friends with several people I met there.

When I look back on the circumstances that led up to me being at that exact place at that exact time, I can only point to God and His hand on my life at the time. I didn't know it at the time, but August 30, 1995 was a day that forever changed the course of my life.

Friday, August 28, 2009

Friday Night Fun!

High school football season is here, so that means I am on my own on Friday nights. Drew has to scout for his middle school's feeder high school and that leaves me and the kids to fend for ourselves at the end of the week. I don't like to leave the house once I am home. I am just so exhausted at the end of the week I can hardly move! We clean the house every week and I didn't want to spend all morning tomorrow cleaning. We have a lot to do tomorrow, so I wanted to clean tonight.

Today I decided to enlist the boys to help me. I have been wanting to teach the boys how to dust and vacuum. I should have done this long ago, but I have been putting it off. I put it off because I knew I would just get frustrated with them. Surprisingly, they were eager and VERY excited about getting the chance to clean. They were even arguing about who was going to dust and who was going to clean the mirrors! (That just goes to show you they will argue about ANYTHING!) I told them that I would show them how to clean, we could eat dinner and finish cleaning after we were done eating. Once they started they didn't want to stop, so we kept going until we were finished. Addison even got in on the action! I gave her a bottle filled with water. She would squirt a little on the tile and wipe it up. She thought it was big fun! It took just under two hours. Of course, I went behind them and touched up a little bit, but they did pretty good. I am hoping that my future daughters-in-law will appreciate the fact that my boys know how to clean the house! They will appreciate Drew for teaching the boys to love cooking! I definitely won't be able to take credit for that one!

I know my Friday night is a little pathetic, but at least I won't have to waste part of my Saturday cleaning the house!

Look how excited they are hand-mopping the kitchen floor! I don't want to deny them any earthly pleasures!

Even Addison is smiling while cleaning the bathroom floor.

Bryson had a good time with the vacuum!

Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Wordless Wednesday

What's in a name?

Each year I am amazed and somewhat confused when I read each teacher's class list. There is always a name that leaves me asking "why?" I'm not going to use any names, but if you know me in person, you can ask which ones I think are interesting this year. This made me think back to when I was trying to find names for my kids.

I didn't put too much thought into my kids' names. When I found out Bryson was going to be a boy, I didn't really have a name I particularly liked. I had a girl name I liked, but not a boy name. Drew wanted to pick our baby's first name, so that was fine with me. You know how it is when you are a teacher~ there are some names that are completely OFF LIMITS. I have said some names so many times through I wouldn't DARE name one of my kids those names. Again, I can share some of those names with you in person if you are interested or curious! Drew decided that he liked the name Bryson. You don't hear it very often and it can be shortened to Bry. I wasn't too hip on the idea. Again, I can't share the story here, but I can in person! I finally agreed, but only because he completely shot down each name I suggested! I chose his middle name. Bryson's middle name is James. It is my dad's name and it seemed to go well with the name Bryson. Yes, we yelled the name several times to see how it would sound!

When I found out I was pregnant with a second little boy, I began looking for names I liked. I was determined to pick the next name. I looked for a boy name that started with a "B" to go with Bryson's name, but couldn't find one I loved. I stumbled across the name Jackson while searching some baby naming web sites. As soon as I saw it I loved it. It didn't start with a "B" like I was originally thinking, but it had the "son" ending like Bryson's name. Then I began the search for a middle name that went well with Jackson. This was more difficult than finding the first name. I searched and searched for a name I liked. On Spring Break of that year we were at my grandparents' house for the week. I just happened to pick up a book one of them was reading and I read the back of the book. The main character in the book was named Reid. I liked that name. I tried it with Jackson and it sounded great. I yelled it and was hooked. A bonus is that Jackson and I share initials. My middle initial is "R." Sometimes we call him Jack and I like that, too. I later found out that Jackson was a very popular name that year.

When I got pregnant for the third time I didn't know what I was going to do if we had another boy. I felt like I would need to use the "son" ending again or the baby would feel left out. (I don't really know if a boy would feel this way, but it was a concern of mine.) I looked and looked for a boy name ending in "son." I couldn't find one I loved. When we found out I was pregnant with a little girl I KNEW what her name would be. Addison Elizabeth was the girl name I LOVED when I was pregnant with Bryson. I was FINALLY going to be able to use that name! Elizabeth was my sister's middle name and I was so glad to be able to remember her in a special way. Incidentally, she and Drew share initials. His name is Andrew Earl. (Yes, now you know why we didn't use Drew's middle name with our boys!) I call her Addie Beth a lot and I like the way that sounds, too. Her name is a little more difficult to say than the boys' names when I have to yell it, but I think I have perfected it! In fact, when I say her entire name she will put her head down and say, "I in trouble." Just like the name Jackson, Addison was a very popular name the year she was born. Go figure!

Monday, August 24, 2009

First day of school

My big boys ready for the first day of school. Don't they look so cute in their uniforms! Maybe one day Jackson will grow into those shorts!

Sitting in front of the school. We got there early so I wouldn't embarrass them by taking their picture in front of a bunch of people!

Jackson is ready for Kindergarten. It just doesn't seem possible that he is that old.

Bryson ready for fourth grade. Really? How can he look so big all of a sudden?

Bryson will always have a special place in his heart for his first teacher. Miss Shipley was Bryson's kindergarten teacher. He has loved her ever since his first day of school. I remember one day Bryson asked if Daddy would mind if Miss Shipley was his step mom! He thought she could live with us and all would be right in the world! She asked Bryson and Jackson to have breakfast with her this morning. That's all they talked about on the way to school. She really knows how to make them feel special. Thanks, Miss Shipley for being such a great teacher and special person in their lives!

We all walked Jackson to his classroom this morning. Bryson was in protector mode and wanted to make sure Jackson made it to class. I just realized I didn't get a picture of him and Mrs. Bailey, but I will. She was very busy with parents and kids this morning. Jackson is going to have such a great year in Mrs. Bailey's class!

Look, no tears! He was all smiles this morning. I am so glad he is open to trying new things and is not scared to go to school. This little guy makes being his mom an easy job!

Jackson is usually very affectionate with me. He loves to cuddle with me and gives me plenty of kisses. Today he would only give me a high five! He didn't want to kiss me in his classroom! I will have to settle for high fives at school and kisses at home.

Today was Bryson's first day of fourth grade and Jackson's first day of Kindergarten. I can't believe time is passing so quickly. It seems like I was just taking pictures of Bryson crying in front of the school and that was four years ago! Where did the time go?

Today it was Jackson's turn to begin his school career. I could never envision this day for some reason. Each time the thought of Jackson starting school would come to mind I could never finish the thought. I couldn't imagine what he would look like walking down the hall with his backpack on his back, or sitting at a little table with his name on a name tag. I would start to think about it and the thought would quickly fade without finishing. I know that sounds insane or weird, but it's true.
I was so worried that I would be a blubbering mess today. I didn't want to cry in front of Jackson, Drew or the other kids. I didn't want to embarrass Drew by being emotional. I prayed for days that I would be able to make it through the morning without crying. Well, I am proud to say that I made it!!! I felt the burning several times, but I NEVER SHED A TEAR!!! If you know how easily I cry you know this is a MAJOR accomplishment for me! I wish I was one of those people who could talk about their family, kids or life events without crying. Oh, how I envy those people!
I saw Jackson at lunch and asked how it was going. He smiled, eyes lit up, and said, "This is so much fun!" Bryson has been talking about TAKS for so long he had Jackson thinking he was going to have to take a test on the first day of Kindergarten! After school Jackson said, "This isn't REAL school, this is PRETEND school!" I guess it was too much fun to seem real! It helps that he has a wonderfully sweet teacher this year. I know he will be so in love with her.
When Bryson was in Kindergarten he would cry when he would see me in the hallways. He would stick to me in the gym when his class went to PE. I was worried that Jackson would be the same. He is not. When his class came into the gym he waved and went and sat down. When I had them go to the big circle he didn't try to stand by me. He just went to the closest spot and sat down. I am so glad I will not have to pry him off of me each day!
Bryson had a good day, too. He said he really likes his teacher this year and said he felt bad saying that because he still likes his past teachers. I just told him his other teachers would totally understand that he likes his current teacher. I told him that they would not be too jealous of her and that they want him to like his teacher~ he has enough love to go around! I think he will have a great year. It is fun watching him grow up. I love that boy so much!
My day was good, too. At times time seemed to stand still. At other times it just flew by. The first day is always exhausting and draining, but good at the same time. Now that the first day is over we can get down to business! I am going to go to bed early, though. I don't think I can last until 8:00 tonight!

Saturday, August 22, 2009

I brought our parachute from school for the kids to play with. The adults had fun, too!

Here is my big kindergartner. All smiles~ as usual!

Carrie brought her tug-of-war rope from her school. So much fun!

Drew had fun with the balls. He said this is his "before" picture.

And here he is "after." Yes, he works in a middle school and yes, he is stuck at age 13!

Kelly, David, Jonathan and Jarrett. Jarrett will start kindergarten this year and Jonathan will be in 4th grade. They will both go to Kelly's school where she is the counselor.

Carrie, Matthew, Landri, Taryn and Kian. Taryn will start kindergarten at Carrie's school. Carrie is the PE teacher at her school. Matthew is teaching science at a local Jr. High. I don't see him with any balls stuck up his shirt! Maybe after a couple of years with Jr. High kids he will lose all his senses and join his older brother in his shenanigans!

Me, Drew, Bryson, Addison and Jackson. Jackson will be in kindergarten and Bryson will start 4th grade. They will both go to school with me. I am the PE teacher at our school. (We had some field day shirts left over from a couple of years ago, so I borrowed them for our picture! Don't we look like Skittles?!)

Gram and Papaw with the grand kids. Cheryl teaches at a school in our district. Thanks, Cheryl and Dick for a fun evening! Let's do it again soon!

Bryson (9), Jonathan (10), Jarrett (6), Jackson (5), Taryn (5), Landri (3), Addison (2), Kian (23 months) Don't we have the cutest set of cousins in the whole world?!

Cheryl, Drew's mom, had everyone over today for a back to school bash at her house. We ate hamburgers and hot dogs and played some games with the kids. We don't get together very often, so it was fun to be able to talk about the coming year and let the kids play together. We really should make a better effort to get together more often. We all live within about 15 miles of each other and only see each other 4-5 times a year. That's sad. Our kids are all cousins and I would really like them to have close relationships. I will try to work on this this year. Anyway, the kids played together real well and had a good time.
I am looking forward to the year starting so we can get back to a routine. Don't get me wrong, I LOVE summer vacation, but my kids do much better with a regular schedule. I am a happier person when I have a routine, also. The year will be busy. I will wish for time off. I will want things to slow down. But I am looking forward to a fresh start and a new beginning. (Plus, it gets me one step closer to retirement!!!) I would be lying if I said I didn't think about it often!!!
I will try to post as much as possible and hopefully with fun and cute stories. Here's to a GREAT school year!

Friday, August 21, 2009

Routine and some such

Well, it was back to work for us this week. I knew this transition was going to be hard for us, but oh my goodness, it has been more difficult than I even imagined! I have gone back to my 4:30 workouts (yes, as in a.m.). Since I need between 7 and 8 hours of sleep I have to go to bed by 8:30ish. Of course, that doesn't mean I go to SLEEP at that time. You know how it works: lay down, close eyes, toss, turn, toss again, heavy sighs, open eyes, read book, close eyes, toss, turn, watch TV... You get the idea. So, this week I have been getting less than 7 hours of sleep. Hopefully when school starts I will be so tired from seeing the sweet children all day I will be able to go to sleep without all the tossing, turning, reading and TV watching.

We had Meet the Teacher Night at school last night. The boys got to meet their teacher and see their classrooms. I think it made school more real for Jackson. He LOVES his teacher already and I know he will do everything in his power to make her proud of him. I want my little baby boy to stay so sweet and innocent. Monday is going to be hard for me. I won't address it again. It will just make me cry!

I am not quite ready for school to start. Mentally I am still in summer-mode. Ready or not, school is starting and I had better be ready!

High school football season has started and Drew is back to scouting on Friday nights. He doesn't have to scout EVERY Friday, but MOST Fridays. When his middle school starts their games this means he will be gone three nights out of the week. This is hard on me. Drew spoils me when he is here, so it is difficult when he is gone. I know, poor Jana! I will make it through this football season and many more. I just have to feel sorry for myself from time to time! :0)

Today was Jackson's last day with Miss Linda. He will still go to her house when we have in- service days, but today is his last regular day. He has loved her for five years and she has been so great to him. I know he will be sad not staying with her each day, but at least he will still get to see her every day when we drop off and pick up Addison. I am glad to only have to pay for one child in child care! Three more years and we will be FINISHED!

This post is very unorganized and all over the place, but I wanted to post some thoughts from this week. Have a good weekend!

Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Wordless Wednesday

Saturday, August 15, 2009

What did I do to deserve this???

I have bragged on Drew before, but I cannot let the day end without another bragging post. My husband is the best. These are the things he did TODAY and I will tell you that today was just another ordinary day around our house.

I went to my kickboxing class, as usual for a Saturday morning. I actually went about 30 minutes early because I wanted to run on the treadmill before the class. I guess sitting around all summer is starting to catch up with me. Even though I worked out all summer I wasn't as active during the day as I usually am during the school year. Anyway, went I got home Drew's car was gone and the house was quiet. He texted me and said he was at Walmart checking out and they would be home shortly. When I asked why he didn't wait for me to get home before going so he wouldn't have to take all the kids with him he said he wanted to get it done so he could spend the rest of the day cleaning the house.

The kids wanted to go swimming so we got ready and went to the pool. Drew stayed home to fix a couple of things around the house and start cleaning. He said he didn't want me to have to do a thing. After we were at the pool for about an hour the kids were ready to leave. Drew came and got them so I could stay out there by myself for a while. He brought my book that I had been trying to finish, too. While I was at the pool he texted me and told me everything was fine at home and to stay as long as I wanted.

When I (finally) got home the house was in the process of being cleaned and the laundry was going. I mentioned that I was hungry and by the time I got cleaned up and dressed he had made my lunch for me. When I was finished eating he even took my dishes to the kitchen and put them in the dishwasher so I wouldn't have to get up.

He told me to go take a nap while he finished cleaning. I stayed in the living room but did end up falling asleep on the couch. While I was sleeping he started getting dinner ready. He grilled chicken, made baked beans, roasted potatoes, made a cucumber, tomato, and onion salad. He also made some sweet tea. I played with the kids for a little while while he was finishing dinner. (I had a headache after I woke up so I wasn't feeling so great.) He didn't want me to help make dinner at all. I read some blogs and played on the computer until dinner was ready.

After eating a wonderful meal he cleaned the kitchen. I tried to help, but he didn't want me to. If you know Drew, you know he breaks out in hives when someone tries to help him in the kitchen! He said today was all about me. He didn't want me to have to do a thing all day and just wanted me to enjoy the day.

I think he is pretty great. He is so thoughtful of me and so caring. He tries to make my life as easy and stress-free as possible. He is so unselfish and is willing to do more than his share around here. Drew treats me like a princess and never seems to tire of trying to make me feel special and loved. I don't know what I ever did to deserve this, but whatever it is I am going to keep on doing it!

Friday, August 14, 2009

Just a couple of things...

Jackson was in Oklahoma when his baseball team played their last game. He missed the game and the passing out of the trophies. His coach brought the trophy by our house last week and he was so proud of it. He said he was going to keep it forever. I think he even slept with it that night! He had such a fun time playing baseball this summer. He wants to play again next summer and we will let him keep playing as long as he wants. He's pretty good at it, too!

I went by Chick-fil-A this afternoon. When I opened the box I noticed a heart-shaped nugget. Of course, I had to take a picture of it for my blog. This is because we haven't done anything interesting lately and I was desperate for blog fodder! I rather like having an un-exciting life. I am not much for drama! So, enjoy my heart-shaped nugget. All I have left is the picture since Bryson ate it!
We go back to work on Monday and that's all I want to say about that.

Wednesday, August 12, 2009


When we were riding home from church on Sunday Bryson was giving Jackson a "Sunday School Lesson." We were, of course, listening and ready to jump in if needed.

Bryson: They have everything in heaven~ even fishing.

Jackson: Yeah. (Listening intently to his older brother's wisdom.)

Bryson: Every time you throw the line in the water you catch a fish!

Jackson: Oh, I can't wait to get to heaven!

Monday, August 10, 2009


I registered Jackson for kindergarten today. I can't believe he is old enough to go to school. I know time passes quickly, but I need it to slow down! I could never imagine what it would be like when both of my boys were in school. Now it is right around the corner.

When Bryson started kindergarten I cried. I work in the same school he attends, but I cried anyway! I felt so stupid for crying, but I couldn't stop it from happening. Drew wasn't able to be there since he teaches also, so I cried alone. I remember thinking how I wish my mom were there to enjoy that day with us. I know she would have taken a day off work to come see Bryson's first day. I remember thinking how unfair it was that I couldn't share that big moment with my mom. It was such a big day in the life of a five year-old and I felt like I didn't have anyone to share it with.

I feel the same way about Jackson. When my mom passed away Jackson was only five months old. He never knew her. She loved him so much. She loved babies and loved to hold and sing to Jackson (and Bryson when he was a baby). I wish she were here to go to school with us on Jackson's first day. This year Drew is going to come with us. Since he has athletics first period he will be able to get away for a little bit on the first day. I know I will cry. I will prepare him ahead of time!

If you know me, you know I am a crier. I don't like it. I fight it. I wish I could change it. I am trying to accept the fact that this is how God made me and it is okay to be sentimental. It is embarrassing at times. The strangest things will make me tear up~ some commercials, pictures, cards, talking about my kids and family, talking about babies, breathing! I try to hide it. I try to joke about it. But I can't stop it and don't know if I should try to stop it. I hope it doesn't make people uncomfortable. That is just how I am wired, I guess. I am trying to learn to accept it.

Anyway, my baby boy is starting kindergarten and I am a little emotional about it. I know he will enjoy school. I know he will be good at it. I just hope I don't freak him out with my crying. (Although, he knows mommy cries sometimes!)

When Addison starts school, I may need medication!

Saturday, August 8, 2009

It doesn't get much better than this!

Since Drew and the boys are gone, Addie and I have been left to entertain ourselves. Friday we slept in and I decided to take a day off from the gym. We went out to the back yard to play with the dogs for a while. I sat in the sun and read a book and watched her play. I just love to sit and watch her and listen to what she is saying. She talks so much, but often gets upstaged by the boys when they are around. She usually plays whatever they are playing and rarely plays by herself. It was fun to see her personality shine and listen to her sweet voice. (When the boys are around her sweet voice is absent and is replaced by a shrill scream!)

Addie loves to "go to work." She got her purse and sunglasses and got in her car to go to work today. She kept saying, "Bye, Mommy. I go to work. Have a nice day. Be good. I see you later!" She, like most two year olds, said it over and over and over again. It was so cute and she was very serious about going to work!

She played in the sand box for a while.

She is always so happy when she is playing outside. I'm glad she isn't afraid to get a little dirty.

She would move from the sand box to the pool. (This is really the pool for the dogs to lay in, but she played in it. Don't worry, I put fresh water in it before I let her touch it! You don't think I would let my kids play in dirty water do you???

Addie "read" a book to Jessie. Jessie was very impressed, let me tell you!

Then she "read" the book to Belle. Belle seemed to be a little more interested. Maybe because she was reading Beauty and the Beast.
Pily, my little sister, called yesterday and asked if she could come up. Uh, yeah. We were so excited to have another girl to hang out with! I really think Addison has enjoyed all the attention she has received since the boys have been gone. After Pily got here we went to Target to get some food. I was just going to eat what we had while the boys and Drew were gone, but with company I couldn't do that.

This morning we went to a kickboxing class, came home and got ready to go to the pool for a couple of house. We were the only ones there and had a good time talking and playing with Addison. After a while she started getting cranky, so we went back to the house for lunch. After lunch we all took a nap. I think that was the best part of the day. When Addie woke up she wanted to play dress up. She chose to wear her Halloween costume from last year.

She is wearing her Sleeping Beauty shoes with her dress. After we got her dressed she said she needed to look in the mirror. (Yes, I have created a little monster and will probably regret treating her like a princess one day. I will deal with that later. Right now I am going to enjoy my little girl!)

Pily painted her toes and we watched Cinderella. Mostly Pily watched it. Addison was playing with Elmo. She isn't interested in movies too much, yet. I'm sure the time will come when I can't pull her away from the TV.
After her toes were dry we went and got some ice cream~ double dip, if you want to know! When we got back Addison took a bath and we called Drew to say goodnight. It sounded like he was outside so I asked him if he was on the four-wheeler. "No," he said, "We are in Paris." They were on their way home to surprise us! He decided to come home a little early because he missed me so much. (His words, not mine!) It is so great to have a husband that loves me so much he can't stand to be away from me.
So, as you can see, we have had a good couple of days. Addison and I have gotten to spend some time together and Pily was able to come up and see us. I know the boys are excited to see her, too. Hopefully she will stay a few more days so they can play with her, also!

Thursday, August 6, 2009

When the Cat's Away...

Drew and the boys headed up to my grandparents' house in Oklahoma yesterday. Drew has been itching to get back up there before school starts. I love going, as well, but it is so much more difficult to travel with Addison. She has started getting car sick when we have to drive very far, and that is no fun for any of us. Plus, we have to take the dogs with us when all of us go. So, I decided I would stay here this time and the boys would go with Drew. They are just going to be gone until Sunday, so it might be a fun break for everyone.

The boys were so excited about going~ they were even nice to each other. They really do get along most of the time, but the last week has been tough. They were arguing about EVERYTHING for no reason at all. I even threatened to give them away on Facebook! (I would NEVER give my children away, so you don't have to tell me I am a bad mother!) We told them two days before that if they couldn't get along with each other they weren't going. They started acting better~ not perfect, but better. Yesterday morning while Drew was getting everything ready to go, they were being WAY TOO nice to each other. I even heard Jackson say, "Yes, sir," to Bryson. Before they left they wanted to take some pictures so they "wouldn't forget what we look like."

Bryson had to take a picture.

Then Jackson had to take a picture. Of course, Bryson wanted to take a funny picture. What is it with 9 year-old boys wanting to take pictures with everyone sticking their tongues out?

Addison and I decided to watch Wipe Out last night and have some snacks on the floor. We had some Jiffy Pop popcorn in the pantry so I thought Addison would like to watch it puff up. WRONG! I had her sitting up on the counter by the stove. It started sizzling and I started shaking it a little bit like the instructions said to do. That was fun and she kept telling me to "shake it, Mommy!" As soon as the first kernel popped though she freaked out! It was popping like crazy, I was shaking it and she had backed herself into a corner as far as she could and was screaming her little head off. I tried to calm her down while continuing to shake it by saying (calmly), "It's okay, Addie. It's okay. Listen to the popping." She kept saying, "It's NOT okay, it's NOT okay." Finally, it stopped (It only takes about a minute. Don't think I was torturing her for hours on end.) and she was fine. She did tell me she didn't want to do that again, though.
I spread a blanket on the floor, set out our popcorn and fruit and we watched Wipe Out. She is so funny when she watches it because she makes all these noises when they fall down. She laughs hysterically, too. When it was over she said she was ready to go to bed. Tonight I think we will watch a princess movie. She doesn't get to watch "girl" movies when the boys are around. I think I will use microwave popcorn this time.

Today my friends Laura and Katie came over to hang out. We went swimming for a little while and she played with Katie and Laura. Addison was in rare form. She copied what we were saying, jumped off the side of the pool, squirted Laura and Katie with the water blaster, and tried to join in the conversation. I think she likes hanging out with the girls, also. We came back to my house to eat and talk. Addison took a nap and we were able to have a good time talking about all sorts of things. I am so blessed to have two wonderful friends who I also get to work with. Thanks for coming over, friends! I had a great time!
I don't know what we will do tomorrow. It may be really exciting. Stay tuned!

Wednesday, August 5, 2009

Wordless Wednesday

Saturday, August 1, 2009

After the Storm

It has been cloudy/rainy most of the day today. It kind of matches my mood. I have been on the verge of tears all day today and I don't know why. Just one of those days, I guess. After the last rain storm I was telling Jackson how my sister, Jamie, and I used to find sticks and race them down the street after a good rain. He seemed interested in trying it, so I found some small craft sticks for all three kids and we went outside. They seemed suprised when I told them they didn't need any shoes! I need to relax a little bit!

They had fun racing their "boats" and playing in the water. I'm sure the water is just filled with nasty stuff, but I let them do it anyway. I think Drew was a little grossed out, too. He seemed a little uncomfortable the whole time! It should go without saying that they stripped down in the garage and took a bath as soon as they were finished! Here's some pictures of their fun time!

Bryson playing in the water.

Jackson "fell" many times. It was rather slimy in some places. I don't even want to know why!

Don't they look like they are having fun? They took off their shirts and Addison wanted to take hers off, also. She doesn't understand why boys get to take their shirts off and girls don't!

Of course, Addison had to get in on the action. She thinks she is as big as her brothers and tries to do everything they do!

Is this a happy boy, or what?

Bryson likes to show off his muscles. I guess he is getting to that age!

Racing their "boats."

Addison isn't so sure about something. She has been a little cranky today, too.

Me and my boys after a romp in the rain water.
This helped lift my mood. Hopefully tomorrow will prove to be a better day.