Saturday, January 30, 2010

Today I got to hang out with Jackson and Addison. Bryson went to a basketball tournament with Drew and then he had a game afterward, so I kept Jack and Addie with me. I cleaned the house and then we went to get my hair done. Addison also got hers cut. I told them I would take them out to lunch when we were finished, but they couldn't choose to go to McDonald's. So, we ended up at Chic fil A. Yeah, I know, not the kind of place I was hoping for but that's where they wanted to go. When chicken nuggets are your ideas of good eats, there are only so many choices. While we were there Jackson said he wanted a refill of his drink. I told to wait a minute and I would get it. He said, "Don't get up, Mom, you have to raise your hand and the lunch teacher will get it for you." I guess he has learned something at school!

Tuesday, January 26, 2010

A description by Bryson

While driving home today, Bryson decided he was going to describe how he sees me. Interesting, I thought, so I told him to go right ahead. He said that I am strong, pretty, work out a lot and have kinda short hair. He said that I am "medium," not fat and not skinny. He also said that I am healthy and I like my shoes to match my shirt. He went on to say that I am not "weird." Curious, I asked what is weird to him. Evidently, a woman is weird if she doesn't wear a bra and smokes. He said it is okay if I don't wear a bra when I am in my pajamas~ that is not weird. I don't want there to be any confusion! I think I can feel pretty good about myself based on his description. I am trying to work on that "medium" part, but I feel pretty good about the rest of it!

Monday, January 25, 2010

How can it be...

that this sweet baby girl

has turned into this sweet, big girl right before my eyes?

Sunday, January 24, 2010

Our weekend

Addie did a lot of this this weekend. She likes to lay under our bed and watch t.v. in our room.

She dressed up to go ride her bike. I didn't let her go outside, but she wanted to wear the helmet anyway!

She played with Cookie Monster and Elmo. She said her "babies" were sick, too.

Drew picked Addie up on Friday and noticed that she felt a little hot. He took her temperature and it was about 99.5. She wanted to be held by her daddy and was stuffy and congested. Two hours later I took her temperature and it was 102.9. I could tell by her eyes that she didn't feel good. I stayed home with her while Drew took the boys to a high school basketball game. The basketball players at Drew's school were being introduced before the game, so he had to be there. I gave Addie some Motrin and settled in for the evening. After about an hour, she was acting like her old self. We spent the evening reading books, dancing, laying on the couch and watching Sesame Street.

Yesterday I cancelled everything I had planned so I could stay home with her. I missed Bryson's basketball game, but I'm sure he didn't mind. I think I yell (coach) him louder than any other mom in the gym, so he was probably glad I was not there! Addie and I fell asleep while watching Sesame Street (again!) and slept for a couple of hours. She played most of the day and never ran a fever, but she has a nasty cough. I later learned that four kids at Miss Linda's have had or have the same exact symptoms. I guess it is just something going around.
Today I stayed home from church with her. Drew took the boys. We were scheduled to have nursery duty, so Drew went to do it. It seems like just about every time we are scheduled to do it one of the kids isn't feeling well. He is always so sweet to go do it and let me stay home with whoever is sick. I think he let Bryson help him out today.
Addie still has a nasty cough. She is acting fine. I think I will just keep her in for the rest of the day today and hopefully she won't expose anybody at Miss Linda's tomorrow.
I have had fun laying around, not wearing make-up and not fixing my hair. I have looked horrible, but I don't care! I have caught up on some of my rest and have enjoyed my time with Addison. She usually just wants Drew, so it has been nice to be needed by her.
So, our weekend wasn't very exciting, but the rest was nice.

Friday, January 22, 2010

18 Years

Today marks the 18th anniversary of my sister's death. This date is stuck in my memory and I will never forget the events that happened 18 years ago today. I re-told my story last year and you can find it here if you wish to read it. It is so strange that in two years I will have lived as long without my sister as I did with her. Oh, the people I with she could have met things I wish she were around to see are too numerous to count. That day changed my life forever and I will continue to think of her every day.

Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Does this even count as a post???

I know I haven't been too consistent lately about updating my blog. To my two readers who are still reading, I am sorry! :0) I will try to do better. Funny things happen and I will think about putting it on my blog then life happens and I don't seem to find the time. When I do find the time, I have forgotten all the funny parts! Is this age creeping in??? I sure hope not! I am going to be on the look out for some interesting/funny/embarrassing/weird things that happen to me or my kids and I will blog about it! I would like to get back to posting about our lives 3-4 times a week. That is my goal. We'll see what happens. Even though this post is really about nothing, does it still count? I'll say it does and it will give me a start for this week!

While I am here, I might as well brag on Bryson a little bit. Last night we had left-overs for dinner. Drew had cooked for my Keno group on Monday night, so we had a lot of food left over. He had a basketball game, so it was left-over night. After we ate one of my friends called to check on me. While I was talking to her, Bryson cleared the table, packed up all the remaining left-overs (left-over left-overs??), rinsed the dishes and put them in the sink. He then swept the kitchen floor and Jackson sucked up the swept-up stuff with the dust buster. I didn't have to prompt him or even say a word. He did it all by himself. These are the times I KNOW we are doing the right thing by being strict parents. I know some people think we are too hard on them, but if we don't do it now we will just have to do it later. My baby boy is growing up and I like the way he is doing it!

Thursday, January 14, 2010

Something you should never have to say to your kids...

Get that apple out of your pants and get back in the kitchen!

Thursday, January 7, 2010


Bryson drew a picture of me yesterday. He was worried that he couldn't get my hair just right. Well, neither can I!
Me: Great picture, Bry! What is that I'm holding?
Bryson: A donut and money.
Me: Why a donut and money?
Bryson: Because you love donuts and money.
Really?! This is what he thinks I need to hold on to? Interesting. And, apparently, I can hold a donut and money using just the tips of two fingers! And... I am cross-eyed, have lots of teeth and my shoes don't match my outfit~ but they do match the money!

Monday, January 4, 2010

Little Mommy

Addison is starting "mother" her babies. It is so cute to see! I remember playing with dolls when I was little and LOVED pretending to feed, change and bathe them. Kelly, our sister-in-law, got her a cute stroller and baby bed for Christmas. She loves them! She puts her purse and the diaper bag underneath the stroller in the little basket and takes off. She pushes her baby around the house and says she is taking her baby for a walk. It is during times like these that I try to forget what a challenging two year old she is and try to focus on the sweet little girl she is (hopefully) growing up to be.

Friday, January 1, 2010

New Year, New You?

Last year I wrote about how I feel about New Year's Resolutions. I still feel pretty much the same way. Looking over my list of things I wanted to work on last year, I realized that I still want to work on the same things. It's not that I did a horrible job last year, it's just that I want to continue working on improving the same things. I am also going to add one more thing to the list: I want to TRY to cook more often. If you have read my blog for a while, you know that I don't particularly like cooking. Okay, I HATE to cook. Of course, I love to eat and my kids love to eat, so I am going to make a concerted effort to cook more often and TRY to enjoy it. We have really cut down on the number of times we eat out, but I usually rely on Drew to do the cooking. He shouldn't have to do it all, so I am going to TRY to cook more. This will, hopefully, help me be a better wife and mother, as well. We'll see what happens. All I can do is try my best and if I mess up along the way then I mess up along the way! I know my family will still love me!