Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Pictures and Bullet points

Me and my baby girl.

Jackson, Bryson and Addison

Jackson LOVES his big brother!

Addison~ this was the best one I could get.

Me and my three sweeties. Don't you just love the top of Addison's head!

These are our pictures from Easter. Addison wasn't really into taking pictures that morning, so there aren't any good ones. We have been very busy lately, so I will just update using bullet points. It's just easier that way.

  • Over Spring Break we went to the museum and I lost my camera bag along with my camera cords. This is why I haven't posted any pictures until now. My wonderful husband ordered some new cords and I just go them in the mail today.
  • We are counting down to the end of the school year. Only 38 more days to go! Woo Hoo! Bring on summer break! I am so ready to spend time with my kids and Drew. I can't wait to hang out at the pool and the local water park. I plan on doing a little work for next year, too. I just need to re-energize.
  • I help with my flowerbed in the front yard. I am hoping to get some help from one of my friends. I don't know what to plant and have been putting it off. I wish I knew what to put there, but I don't. I am not too proud to admit it!
  • I decided that the Easter Bunny was NOT coming to our house this year. I even told the kids he wouldn't be coming. We have spent so much on Bryson's mouth this past month that I didn't want to spend any more money. Drew was all for it. He didn't do the Easter Bunny growing up and doesn't really care to do it now. So, Saturday night I was in bed thinking about what a bad mother I am because my kids were going to wake up Easter morning without an Easter basket. Yes, I know Easter is about the resurrection of Christ and has NOTHING to do with the Easter Bunny, but I still felt bad that I was taking away some fun from them. (Yes, I have problems with guilt! That is a post for another day!) I even shed some tears over it. Stupid, I know. Well, my super sweet husband gets out of bed, gets dressed and goes to WalMart at 10:00 on a Saturday night to get the kids something for Easter. I fell in love with him all over again at that very moment. He was so sweet. I KNOW he didn't want to go, but he did it for me and the kids. He is so self-less when it comes to us and that was just one more way he expressed it. Thanks, again, Sweetie! YOU ARE THE BEST!!!
  • My dad, stepmother and little sister are coming up this weekend for Bryson's birthday. I can't believe my first little baby is going to be TEN years old! I'm sure I will have a special post for him later this week. His birthday is on Friday.
  • We decided to not have birthday parties for the boys this year. We are just going to make their favorite meal (When I say "we," I mean Drew!) and take them shopping for a present. The were fine with the arrangement and Bryson is looking forward to going shopping this weekend.
  • Today we went to a funeral of a friend from church. Blake battled cancer for 5 1/2 years. We know he is in a better place and is now cured and healthy! I pray for peace and comfort for his wife and kids. I can only imagine how difficult it is losing your husband. I have lost a sister and my mother and that was hard enough.
  • After the funeral, I was on my way back to school and got a text from my EA saying Bryson was in the nurse's office with a temperature and headache. When I got to school she had already rearranged my day and got all my duty spots covered for the afternoon so I could take Bryson home! I am very thankful!
  • I took Jackson out of school early, also. Drew has track practice after school today and I didn't want him to have to try to leave early to pick Jackson up. Believe me, Jackson didn't mind one bit!
  • Last night Addison told us she didn't want to be a sister anymore. She wants to be a brother. Later, she said she wanted to be a sister again. Silly girl!
  • I did a bunch of lunges this morning and yesterday morning, so I am very sore. It is on my mind, so I added that! Not really important to anyone but me!

Those are just a few of the things going on this week. I will try not to go so long in between posts. My dad even e-mailed me to tell me I hadn't posted in a while! At least I know he is reading!


mukta mandla said...

yes i am agree with you
it is nice

nevalia said...

nice blog