Tuesday, August 12, 2008

A day in the life

We almost got everyone in. Now we have to work on gettin the boys to not make silly faces!
My favorite time of day, after baths! They are so clean and smell so good!
My wonderful boys!
Oh, those eyes!

I have spent the last four nights staying up as late as my eyes would allow watching the Olympics. I LOVE the summer Olympics. It is amazing to watch what those athletes can do with their bodies. Now I am up early typing on this blog. (I think I am getting addicted to this computer!)

Yesterday, during commercial breaks, I was looking around in awe of my family. I have the most WONDERFUL husband ever made! ( I know a lot of people think this about their husbands.) I don't know what I am going to do when we go back to work. He does everything for me. He cooks, cleans, does laundry, takes care of the kids and takes care of the house. If I didn't want to, I wouldn't have to do ANYTHING. I have to make myself do things sometimes just so I don't feel guilty later! Anyway, I am truely blessed to have Drew in my life. Cheryl, you did a great job with him. I hope we can teach my boys to be as loving and caring to their wives as Drew is to me.

Addison has learned to throw her own wet diaper in the trash. In fact, she enjoys it. I know that will change quickly, but I enjoy watching her clap and say, "Yay!" when she throws it away. Finally, she is a contributing member of the family!

Addie was also playing hide and seek with the boys a couple of days ago. She can say one, two, three. It actually sounds like, "Uh, doo, tee," but we know what she means! She would count and they would hids, really quickly. Then she would go find them. When she did, she let out the funniest little scream. They played this for about 15-20 minutes until she got bored. It was fun to watch them play together.

We will go register Bryson for school today. I can't believe he will be in THIRD grade. He still likes to sit with me and nuzzle up against me, so I want to try to keep him from growing up too much. He still tells me he loves me several times a day. I know that will change one day, so I will relish every one. He has learned from Drew that when I lay on the couch I like to have my feet rubbed. Although he hasn't mastered the technique yet he is pretty good at it!

Jackson is just as crazy as ever! We call him "Wacky Jacky" a lot of the time. It suits him to a tee. He is the funniest little boy and oh so cute too! The other morning I was commenting about how dark the sky was and about the rain clouds. I said that I hoped it would rain. He said, "It's not going to rain, it's just getting morninger." I thought that was so cute. he just has his own spin on things. Oh to be in the mind of a 4 year old!

I took some pictures yesterday. I was trying to get a picture of all five of us, but with no sixth person here to take our picture and with short arms it was hard to get one where someone's head wasn't cut off. You will notice that I am not wearing any makeup. I haven't worn it much in the last two months! Jackson even asked me one day if I could wear makeup because he likes me "with makeup on." How great is summer vacation!

Enjoy the pictures. I will try to get some better ones soon!