Monday, October 6, 2008

More Outside Fun!

Bryson was practicing his picture-taking abilities.
Happy boys. They love to be outside.
Addie and her car. This is her favorite way to ride!
Jackson found some kuka burras. I have no idea if this is how you spell it, but you know what I'm talking about!
Bryson found some, too. Drew and the boys ended up throwing them at each other so they would stick to their shirts. So much fun!


We spent more time outside Sunday afternoon. There are two ponds in our neighborhood that we can walk to. The dogs like to go swimming and the boys like to throw rocks in the water. Addie just likes to play in the dirt! Yesterday she still had her pearls on from church while she was playing in the dirt. I have tried to make her girlie, but I think she is destined to be a tomboy! I was a major tomboy (I know, you're shocked, right?!) so I guess I am okay with her not being too girlie!
We had some staff development meetings again today. All the PE teachers in our district met together to share some games. I really enjoy learning new games. I also get to see some friends I don't get to see very often. Tomorrow is back to the grind for several weeks until Thanksgiving break. I think we have decided to go to "the pond" for our break. We call my grandparent's house in Oklahoma "the pond." Yes, there is a pond there!
Today I saw something at a store and immediately thought of my friend Laura! I just had to get it for her. Ask her to show it to you! This will at least make her touch it! Here's a shout out to you, Sugar Lips!
Tonight for dinner we had leftovers. I love it when we have leftovers and Drew has a game. It makes my job at home so much easier! Speaking of dinner, my wonderful neighbor asked if she could bring us dinner again! I didn't want to disappoint her, so, of course, I said yes! She brought over chili, rice and cornbread. We didn't have that tonight, but we will have it tomorrow night. Drew has a game tomorrow so I will need something that just needs to be warmed up, again! Our neighbor is wonderful. I have to give her a shout out, too! Thanks, Patty! You are a wonderful neighbor!
I bought the kids their Halloween costumes today. Bryson wanted to be Obi Wan Kenobi. (from Star Wars) Jackson is a red Power Ranger and Addison is some kind of fairy. (She is this because it was on sale for 13.99!) It is just some generic fairy, but it is still cute. The boys costumes came with masks. Addison screamed bloody murder when they put on the masks. Of course, they kept doing it over and over until I finally had enough of the screaming and crying. I don't know what is going to happen on Halloween night when she sees all kinds of creepy things! She will probably be heard within a 10 mile radius of our house!
Jackson: How many days until Halloween?
Bryson: 25. 31-6=25, right, Mom?
Me: yes.
Jackson: I wish it was Halloween now.
Me: Well, it's not and I can't make it Halloween now.
Jackson: The weatherman can!
I guess that is all for now! It is getting close to bed time, so it is time to wind down!


Anonymous said...

Tell Bryson I said to keep up those good problem solving skills! I'm impressed!

Laura said...

My Dearest Jana,
Thank you for your evil, I mean thoughtful gift. Your kindness is overwhelming and I am touched at your generosity. I know that that gift will be the gift that keeps on giving! I have named this new gift. You should be honored that it is named after you. J. J. short for Jana Jr. I will think of you each time I see that precious rat.
Sugar Lips!