Friday, October 24, 2008

Yo-Yos suck!

Jackson wanted to "sleep like a man" tonight so he is without a shirt. I guess he thinks men don't wear shirts to bed. I hope my "little man" doesn't get cold tonight!


I hope that doesn't offend you Grandmother and Granddad, but I have had my fill of yo-yos this week. I was approached several weeks ago by our counselor. She said the "Yo-Yo" guy would do a "free" assembly if we agreed to sell yo-yos for a week. Yes, I have done this before and knew better than to say yes, but I am a softie and have a difficult time saying no to someone. (No, this doesn't mean you can take advantage of me now!) So, against my better judgement, I agreed. I regretted this decision the very first day I started selling them! I have fixed more yo-yos this week than I care to remember. We have had yo-yos stolen and had a kid give me a check that was written out to another school, had the amount changed in kid handwriting and was written in September. Have I mentioned that I didn't even notice all of those things until our sweet secretary brought it to my attention a few hours after the kid "bought" $20 worth of yo-yos? We have taken away so many yo-yos this week from kids who evidentaly thought it was okay to start yoing even when lessons were being taught or when they were walking down the hallways. These are just the major things that have happened this week with yo-yos. Believe me, there were many more little things that happened in every class this week that have added up to major frustration. My only hope is that all the yo-yos will break beyond repair and I will never have to see another yo-yo again! And, no, I didn't buy any for my kids! I didn't even want them at home!

I was so tired when I got home after school. All I wanted to do was take a bath and go to bed. We have a busy weekend and I haven't been sleeping well this week. I started looking around and realized the house needed to be cleaned. So, instead of taking a bath and relaxing like I wanted to, I cleaned the WHOLE house. I just finished about an hour ago. The kids were real sweet with eachother the entire time, so I was able to work without interruption. Drew is scouting tonight and working a cross country meet tomorrow and I didn't want him to have to clean again. He hasn't let me clean at all the last several weeks, so I wanted to help him out. So, Sweetie, hopefully you will notice the clean house when you get home tonight! I'm so glad to have that out of the way! One less thing to do tomorrow.

It is almost 9:00 and I am going to go take a very hot bath in my very clean tub!


Stefanie said...

I agree...down with yoyos!!!! I'm sick of them, too! Jack makes such a cute little man! I love it. See you tomorrow about 11:30!

Anonymous said...

No, I was not offended. Who could be after all the troubles your school has had. Wish I could clean house as fast as you, maybe I could if I did it more often. Terry, Freda, Shelly & Mike got here yesterday about 1: Had roast and the trimmings, everything turned out bad, sure wished for Drew. Even the bread didn't do good! Mike played music last night and sang to us, sounded like Burl Ives, (remember him?)
Yes, and he writes gospel songs!!!!
Are enjoying them.
Jackson made me cold looking at him. Tell him Grandad sleeps in P.J.s and sometimes in a sweat shirt to keep warm. Of course Grandmother in outing and socks!! ( and electric blanket)
Ruth Brown's son Patrick will preach for us Sunday, and even Ben and The Gospeletts will sing!!!!
Didn't mean to write so much. Hope you get some rest today.
Love you,
Grandmother (Oh, yes, didn't hear about Bryson's DATE!)

Katie said...

Amen, sister! Although, if it's not yo-yo's, it's something else. I hope you're a home relaxing right now!