Sunday, October 19, 2008


Hoppy Birsday to yoo! (No, this is not a type-0. This is what it sounds like when Japanese people sing happy birthday in English!)
Addie loved the food and the dessert!
Flying egg.
Dad, Espy and Addison.
Dad, Jackson, Addison, Me, Bryson and Drew.

This was a good weekend. I had some sweet friends from work give me some presents on Friday. My birthday was yesterday, October 18th. I am 37 now. Yes, that is strange to say/type. I know people always say they don't feel their age, and neither do I. I think back to when my mom was my age and she seemed so much older than I am! She had two girls in high school when she was 37! It just seems strange that I could possible be this "old!" Anyway, I digress!

My dad and stepmother came up on Saturday to take us to dinner. We went to Benihana's. (We missed you, Pily!) The kids really enjoyed it and the food was good, too. I think Addie ate as much as Jackson did! Bryson is so in a league of his own right now when it comes to eating! He probably eats his weight in food in a week and doesn't gain any weight. He is stuck at 70 pounds which he has been at for 6-8 months! He is getting taller, just not heavier.

Dad and Espy left a couple of hours ago, so it is just us again. After Drew finished mowing the lawn he sat down with a drink. Addie was in the backyard playing with the dogs. I looked out the window to check on her and realized the blinds were VERY dusty. Of course this couldn't wait any longer. I had to clean them RIGHT NOW! I got the Swiffer duster and started dusting. On the third window, I accidentally bumped into a picture frame that was sitting on the table beside Drew's chair. After it settled, I realized it knocked Drew's drink over onto the carpet. Have I mentioned that he had RED Kool-Aid in a very tall cup? Yes, it was all over the carpet. He wasn't sitting there. He had gone to the boy's room to discipline Bryson. (Stop clenching your teeth, Grandmother. It was swift!) "Don't come in here!" I yelled. "Come back in about 20 minutes!"

We don't let the boys drink in the living room, but we do. I guess we need sippy cups when we drink in there! Anyway, we were down on hands and knees cleaning the, now pink, mess and Jackson was "helping." I was spraying and blotting trying to do my best when Jackson asked, "Are you helping Daddy?"

"Yes." I answered.

"Why are you helping him~because he is your true love?"

"Yes, Jackson. I am helping him because he is my true love!"

So, if you come over try not to notice the stain by Drew's chair. My true love and I did the best we could to get it all out!
A big thank you to everyone who called to wish me a Happy Birthday or acknowledged it in some way! You made my day special. This month has been exceptionally difficult this year for some reason, but you made me happy on my birthday!


Stefanie said...

Sorry about the red/pink stain, but then it just means your beautiful home is "lived in." I'm so glad you had a good time on your birthday and that your dad and Espy got to come visit. I thought of you many times yesterday and how thankful I am for your friendship.

Happy Happy Birthday and my wishes for your best year yet!

Laura said...

Want me to sing happy birthday? Better yet, I will spare you the song and just say it! HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!! I am glad that you had a great birthday weekend! Love ya!

Katie said...

Jackson is so cute! I'm glad you cleaned up Drew's Koolaid because he is your true love (not because you knocked it over, or anything). I'm so glad you had a good b-day too!

Megan said...

That is so funny! Looks like you had a blast. Hey - this is random, but can you email me your address?

Anonymous said...

I love that green blouse! I had a good weekend too.:00: Drew