Monday, December 29, 2008

Christmas 2008

We (okay, Drew) cut down our tree at my grandparent's house this year. It was pretty bare, but it worked. My grandmother had some old ornaments that were my mom's and we decorated it the best we could. The boys had a good time with it. It may not be the prettiest tree, but it is one they will remember!

This is Addie and my granddad writing. We played many card games and Addie always had to be in on the action.
This was on the last night we were there. We went out riding on the four-wheelers in the dark one more time before we left. Addie LOVES to go for a ride. She has been riding since she was about 6 months old and I would strap her into her Snuggli and take her riding around. This is her absolute most favorite thing to do when we are there!

Jackson was as happy as could be to open his presents. Yes, Santa found us in the woods in Oklahoma and brought toys. He even ate all the cookies!

Bryson was happy, too. He sent an e-mail to Santa telling him we would be in Oklahoma this year. Santa responded and said he would find us.

I have had so many emotions this week I don't even know where to start.

We left for my grandparent's house last Monday. When we got there my mom's brother and two sisters were there. It was good to see them, but also strange. Ever since my mom died people have acted weird around me. I don't know if I have done something to offend anyone or if I remind them of her and that makes them uncomfortable. I always look forward to seeing family, but then when I do it is awkward. We weren't around them for long because they left early the next morning. I wish things could be different, but I guess they can't.

I have been so emotional this past year. I think it is finally setting in that this is how things are going to be from now on. My mom is gone. Yes, I know she has been gone for over four years, but I think it is finally becoming real to me.

I have also been thinking a lot about my sister. My grandmother used to record us singing and talking when we were young. She brought out some of those tapes when we were there last week. I used to enjoy listening to those silly tapes, but now they just make me sad~ those two little innocent girls full of life and happiness. One would be dead by the time she was 21 and the other one would be left to face the world without a sister and a mother. I try not to dwell on those things, but sometimes they just get to me. I wonder what it would be like to go shopping with my sister. To hang out at each other's houses. To play with each others kids. To talk about the crazy things our mom said or did. I wish I could have had an adult relationship with her. This I will never have.

We were very close in age (13 months apart) and experienced many heartaches in our lives. We moved a lot. Our parents divorced after 11 or 12 years of marriage. We spent a lot of time together. We were all each other had. I remember that we used to sit in our room and sing songs out of an old hymnal. She would play the tune on a little keyboard she had and we would try to sing all the songs. We would play Barbies and store. She always had to be the storekeeper. She liked being in charge more than I did. She was older and liked to play the part of the older sister. Having kids now, I realize how special those times were. She has been gone almost 17 years~ almost as long as she was here. There are so many things we never got to do that I wish for almost daily. I don't know why this has been hard this year, but it has.
So, we had fun, I was just an emotional wreck. I think I hid it well, though. I didn't cry in front of anyone, so no one was the wiser! I am hoping I will be able to work through these emotions so I don't feel ready to cry at the drop of a hat. I am very sensitive anyway, I have just been extra sensitive the past couple of months.

Sunday, December 14, 2008


Addie went shopping with "the girls" yesterday. She did great until about 3/4 of the way through the third store. That is when she lost it. She cried (screamed) until we were almost home. Yes, you guessed it, she cried herself to sleep and didn't take a nap the rest of the day. Needless to say, she went to bed very early. Shopping is hard on a girl!

Bye, Bye. I'm going shopping!

This is why I have to fix her hair EVERY day. I don't know what else to do with it. It grows in so many different directions and is in her face if I don't try to tame it. I am not very creative, either. I only know about three different ways to fix it. Some suggestions would be great!

This is Pily and Addie. Pily is my dad and step-mother's daughter. She came and stayed with us for four days. She was born when I was about to turn 18. She used to stick right beside me when she was younger. Now my kids are doing the same with her. They had such a great time with you, Pily. You will have to come back more often. When you left, Bryson said that he already misses you.

It is difficult to get three kids to sit still for a picture. This was the best of the bunch. I won't even attempt to get "real" pictures taken of them for a while~at least until Addison learns how to cooperate.
We have a great weekend. I am finished shopping. Santa will be visiting us this year. The boys know "we" are not getting them a toy for Christmas since they chose to get a toilet tank lid. But I don't want Santa to look like the bad guy, too. We were going to have to scale it back this year anyway. This way we can kill two birds with one stone~ we scale back and the boys learn a lesson. As I see it, we are all winners! :0)

Tuesday, December 9, 2008

Oh Where, Oh Where Has My Little Baby Gone?

This morning when I was getting Addison out of bed she said, "Ont bep bass." (translation: Want breakfast) She even went and got a Nurti Grain bar out of the pantry and climbed into her chair. This girl knows what she wants and knows how to get it!

She will call Jackson "Jack Jack" when she wants him for something.

She yells, "Guys!" when nobody is paying attention to her.

She even tries to "tattle" on the boys. She will say, "Mommy!" and start jabbering in tattle-tale tone. You know the one~ we have all heard it. She will look at me with her eyebrows raised and point at them while she is jabbering.

I have posted previously all the words she is saying. I can't do that any more, because I can't keep up with her! It seems like every day she is saying more and more. My baby is no longer a baby. I was hoping her baby-stage would last a little longer since she is the last one. She thinks she is a big girl and likes to wrestle with the boys and even chases them with light sabers. I have tried to dress her a little girly, but that isn't working too well either!

This past Sunday she was looking so cute for church. My dad and step-mother bought her a little dress from Talbot's last year and it just now fits her. The top of the dress was a dark purple velvet and the skirt part was pink satin with a floral sheer material over it. It had some silk flowers on the front and a big pink bow in the back~ so pretty and feminine. So, Sunday I dressed her in it and fixed her hair with a pretty pink bow. She was looking so cute~ she was feeling it, too! I dropped her off at Sunday School and three hours later I went back to get her. There she was~ bow hanging on the side of her head, red-faced from playing hard and the floral material torn off the front of her dress! The poor lady in her room felt horrible. She said Addie was running and fell down and stepped on the front of her dress and ripped it. We were planning on going out to lunch after church but she looked a mess. Drew had the solution~ he ripped off the rest of the floral material. Now it was just a purple and pink dress~ still cute even. While we were eating Addie spit her food out on the front of her dress and left a huge grease stain on the pink satin. The dress is officially ruined. She only got to wear it once for about four hours! I try to make her girly and feminine but this is what happens. She will be a jeans and t-shirt girl from now on!

With Bryson I was so ready for him to do the next thing for his age. I wanted him to grow up so he could "do" something. With Jackson he did things a little faster than Bryson without much prodding from us. Addison won't slow down at all. She tries to do everything the boys do and usually does it. I have to remind myself that she is only 17 months old because she acts so much older. So, I don't know where my little baby has gone, but I'm pretty sure she is gone for good. On to big girl fun!

Wednesday, December 3, 2008

Happy Birthday, Mom

Today is/was my mom's birthday. She would have been 59. I still miss her and still have the urge to call her and tell her what's going on with us and the kids. I would have thought this would have lessened over time, but it hasn't, yet. While she was here, I called her or she called me daily.

I don't talk about her as much as I used to. I know it makes people uncomfortable and I don't want to do that. Bryson doesn't remember much about when she was here, either. I can't blame him, he was only 4 1/2 when she died. When I told him it was her birthday today he didn't really say anything. I know he remembers how I reacted when I found out she was gone and I hate that I didn't think to shield him from that. I wasn't thinking. He will probably always remember that day, but has forgotten all the fun he had with her and how much he meant to her. I wish she were here to spoil him and play with him, Jackson and Addison. I am certain that they would be even more rotten than they already are if she were here! I hate that they will never have that kind of relationship with my mom. My grandmother and granddad spoil them when we see them, but we don't get to see them very often. Hopefully they will come see us more often (hint, hint!).My dad lives in Houston and they don't get to see him very often, either. Drew's mom works, well, you know the rest!

Anyway, I just wanted to acknowledge that it is/was my mom's birthday today. I didn't want it to seem like I forgot it. Happy Birthday, Mom! I love you!

Monday, December 1, 2008

Fun with Friends!

Breon and Drew set up three tents for us to sleep in. This took a few hours, but they didn't complain at all (at least not to us).

Jackson loves to be outside and absolutely LOVES to ride the four-wheelers. Could you get a happier face than this?

Kourtni had fun playing with Belle and Jessie. She always gives them so much attention. They love her!

Addison is an outdoor girl, too. She had fun playing outside and riding the four-wheelers. She kept saying, "Side, side" every time someone went through the door.

Check out Kecia and her camo boots! I know she would make her daddy, the hunter, proud!

Canasta, anyone? Yes, that is Breon playing cards. He is even smiling about it!

Bryson and Jackson sitting on the tree. This tree is shaped like the number 4 and they are sitting about four feet off the ground. This tree is just down stream from the waterfall.

Drew and Breon bonding together on the rocks of the creek. Drew had already fallen in by this point and Breon had slipped about four feet on the slippery rocks.

At night by the camp fire. This is the night we made s'mores.

Is Breon falling in the water or is he trying to catch a fish with his hands? You decide!

We made it to the creek and everyone was still smiling!

The Dennis family in Oklahoma. Look how happy they are!

Bryson, Brea, Kourtni and Jackson at the creek. Jackson was not too happy at this point!

Jackson climbing the big hill after we crossed the creek. He is happy here because we had not gotten to the thick briars, yet! His mood changed after he got to the top of the hill.

Kecia walking gingerly across the creek. The bottom was very slippery and you had to go very slow. Plus, it was VERY cold!

We spent a wonderful and relaxing five days with our friends, Breon and Kecia and their two girls. We went to my grandparent's house in Octavia, Oklahoma. As I have mentioned before, this is my favorite place in the entire world. We wanted our friends to see for themselves how much fun country-livin' can be! My grandparents are so gracious to allow any of their kids and grandkids to bring their friends up there. Thanks so much, Grandmother and Granddad! We love you!
We (mostly, they!) spent three nights in a tent. Their girls had never slept outside before. Addison even got in on the action the last night in the tents. She is a camper now!
We, of course, had to roast marshmallows over the camp fire and made s'mores. The kids had fun playing in the fire with bamboo. If you leave it in the fire long enough, pressure builds in the sections of bamboo and eventually it explodes. (Science lesson!) The kids spent a lot of time throwing rocks in the creek. I did this when I was a kid. It was so much fun then. It is cool to see my kids enjoying the same things I did as a kid.
On Friday we ventured across Eagle Fork Creek. There was a light rain before we started and it continued for most of the trip. This made the rocks ever more slippery than they usually are. It just adds to the fun. Breon and Kecia were troopers as we had to get our feet wet to cross the creek. Then we climbed up the big hill and traversed through thick briars to finally reach the beautiful creek. They got to see the waterfall we talk so lovingly about. We took lots of pictures and headed back across the creek in a different spot. This time we got wet up to our thighs. Yes, it was VERY cold. The kids were great, except for Jackson. He whined most of the time and had to be carried through the briars. He is still a little young to appreciate the walk, but he will learn. Bryson, Brea and Kourtni did a great job. I think everyone fell at some point, except for me and Kourtni. (I just had to mention that!)
We laughed at so many things~ too many to even try to mention. We made some great memories together~ things we will remember for a lifetime. We love you, Dennis family!
We came home yesterday and everyone still loves each other. I think that was a successful trip! Now we are planning on going to San Antonio together next summer.
Jackson: What are you doing, Mommy?
Me: Making a list for things we need from Wal-Mart.
Jackson: Put something for me on that list.
Me: I can't. Daddy will get mad at me.
Jackson: No, he won't. Trust me. Just smile at him like this.
(Shows the cutest smile in the whole wide world!)
The boy learned early how to get what he wants!

Friday, November 21, 2008

Early Christmas at the Simmons' House!

It's here! The boys were not too excited about their early Christmas present. They hid their faces and covered their ears when Drew and I stood in the bathroom door singing "We Wish You a Merry Christmas." They DID NOT see the humor in this. We got a good laugh out of it!
I still have to convince Drew that Santa can bring ONE present to each boy. I don't want ruin that for them. We only have a little more time for them to believe in Santa. Plus, I would still be able to say, "I'm going to call Santa if you are not nice to each other." I'm not ready to give that up!
This was a L-O-N-G week. I don't know why, but I didn't think it would ever end.
On Tuesday Jackson wanted to cut and glue some things from a book I bought him this summer. Addie had to get in on the action, too. It was too cute not to record.

Monday, November 17, 2008

Many Small Pieces

I was not going to post the following event, but I need to have a record of it for future reference.

This morning I was in my closet getting dressed. Addie was with me and the boys were suppose to be brushing their teeth. I could hear them laughing and talking through the wall. All of a sudden, I heard a loud crashing sound. Something hit the wall and shattered. All I could think of was the mirror had fallen off the wall and shattered on the floor.

As I was making my way to their bathroom, Bryson came running around the corner shouting, "I didn't do it! I didn't do it! Something happened, but I didn't do it!" Well, I knew right away who was the guilty party~ he was. "The toilet broke. I don't know what happened." I could hear water running.

When I got to the bathroom Jackson was standing frozen with fear and the lid of the tank was on the floor in a million pieces. (No, I didn't actually count the pieces, but you know what I mean!) They preceded to tell me they didn't know what happened. It just fell off. I don't know about you, but I am 37 years old and have NEVER been witness to a toilet tank lid "just falling off."

I began asking questions (rather loudly) about what happened. Here's what I got:
Bryson: We were trying to see who was taller.
Me: You are 8 and he is 4. Who do you think is taller?
Bryson: I don't know. We were just trying to see in the mirror who was taller.
Me: Jackson, what did you do.
Jackson: I did nothing. He broke it.
Me: Go to your room. You are getting a spanking for breaking the toilet.

Insert spanking sounds here.

After much questioning and yelling Jackson finally admitted to having a part in the destruction. He also received some tough love for his part and for lying to me.

Here's what I think happened. I think they were trying to see who was taller. Bryson was standing on the toilet, like he said he was. I think the lid probably moved a little bit and he was curious about what was under it. He probably lifted it up a little to look and had Jackson look also. They probably saw all that really cool stuff that makes the toilet work and tried to lift it a little more. As they lifted it slid backward on the tank and slipped behind the toilet and crashed onto the floor. This is what makes sense to me.

Here's where I may have gone too far. I told them to remember this day because come Christmas morning when they don't have any toys under the tree, they need to think back to why there is nothing to play with. I may have spoken too quickly out of anger. I don't know how to back down or if I should even back down. I want them to know that there are consequences for their actions and that if they break something it costs money to replace it. The money has to come from some where and it may just come from extras like toys. If this had been the first time something like this had happened my reaction may have been different. But this was definately NOT the first time they have destroyed something because they were playing around. What do you think? Should I let the spanking stand as the punishment or should I take this opportunity to teach them a lesson? I have conflicting feelings. I am definately feeling like a horrible mom today.

Sunday, November 16, 2008

DIY Weekend

This is the view from the kitchen into the living room. Can you see the red carnations from my Pumpkin Pal over two weeks ago! They are still looking good, Katie! Thanks, again!

This is the hallway that took almost 3 hours to paint. The kid's rooms, guest room and bathroom are down the hall.

This is the living room. (I guess you could have figured that one out for yourself!)

This is the view from the kitchen into the front of the house. We painted that room a couple of weeks ago.

Again, the kitchen.
We painted ALL day yesterday. We started at 8:00 and finished 16 hours later! Yes, we even made it to church this morning. And yes, we will be taking naps shortly! The kids behaved fairly well. Drew was amazing again. He helped paint and made the meals. I only stopped twice to eat. I did promise that I wouldn't ask to paint again for a couple of months~ although, I don't think he believes me. I still need to paint the bedrooms (except for Addie's) and the bathrooms. I would like to paint the laundry room eventually. Drew doesn't understand why, but I'm sure I can convince him in due time! :) This is all I have for today. Time for lunch and a nap!

Wednesday, November 12, 2008

My date, breakfast and a birthday

Yesterday morning Jackson asked if I would go out with him on a date. Bryson and I had a lunch "date" last week, so Jackson wanted one, as well. We actually ended up going on a "double date" with Drew and Bryson. (Addie was there too. She was the fifth wheel!) We went to eat Mexican food at Oscar's. Jackson had to sit next to me. We even shared an entree! Bryson had a PTA program following dinner, but we went to Braum's for ice cream afterwards. Again, Jackson had to sit next to me. Since we had both cars, Jackson wanted to ride with me back home. He asked if he could sit in the front. (This is a rare treat.) Of course, I said yes. I put his booster seat in the front and he held the door open for me. As we were driving, he asked if he could hold my hand "since we are on a date." Again, I said yes! We held hands all the way home. He was so sweet and so happy to be on our "date" together. I hope there will be a second date soon!


In the mornings I always eat my breakfast in the car. This morning I had a Bagelful (Have you ever tried these? They are a bagel with cream cheese in the middle. They come in several different flavors. There is even a whole wheat one! They are wonderful.) I didn't want an apple this morning, so I got some baby carrots. I thought I needed some protein, so I grabbed an individual cheddar cheese. I also had some juice.
Jackson, still sitting in the front seat, looked over at me and said, "I think I like that. Can we share?"
So, I gave him some of my beloved Bagelful. Addie was yelling, "Mo, mo (more, more)," in the backseat so she got some too.
When I opened the cheese Jackson looked over and said, "I like cheese."
"Do you want some?" I asked.
"Yes. Can I have half of it?" So, he ate half of my cheese.
I reached for the carrots knowing these would be all mine. He NEVER eats carrots at home. "Hey, Mom. Remember when I used to not like carrots. I like them now!" So, he ate some of my carrots!
After I dropped Jack and Addie off at Miss Linda's, Bryson gets in the car and asks, "Hey, Mom, are you going to drink the rest of that juice?"
So much for eating MY breakfast this morning. I think I got to eat half of it! That's one way to cut calories.


We were sitting at a red light this morning so I decided to put my lipstick on. Jackson says, "Mom, it's not safe to drive while you are lipsticking."


Today is Drew's birthday. He is 38. When did we get so old? I know 38 is not "old", but I don't feel like we should be this "age." When I was younger, people who were 38 were old! I am so thankful for Drew. I won't elaborate again and risk making you ill! :) I have posted in the past about how wonderful he is. He is still that wonderful! I love him more each day! Happy birthday, Sweetie!


Bryson lost another tooth today. I say lost, what I really mean is that I yanked it out! After holding him down and him screaming like a banshee for several minutes, he finally calmed down so I could get it out. May the tooth fairy be generous tonight. He owes me a dollar!


Drew has to scout a Thursday game tomorrow night. Hopefully the kids will want cereal for dinner! I have become used to having him at home every night this week. Yes, he cooked on his birthday. I know, I am a sorry excuse for a wife! Have I mentioned that I HATE to cook?

Monday, November 10, 2008

Back in Time

Me and the boys at the Renaissance Festival on Saturday.

The weather was beautiful and the trees were just starting to change colors.

One of the rides is a huge swing. Bryson doesn't look too excited in this picture, but he enjoyed it.

This is my dad and Jackson. The boys were very interested in all the swords that were for sale.

This was a man who had the back of his head painted like a woman. I laughed so hard looking at this. I finally asked him if I could take his picture. He was glad to let me do it!

We drove down to Plantersville this weekend to go to the Renaissance Festival that is held there each year. I tried to explain what it was like to the boys, but didn't do a very good job. Let's just say that they were pretty freaked out most of the time we were there. If you have never been, it is quite an experience. People are dressed in costumes from the Medieval Period and everything is made to resemble the way things were back then. There was much debautchery and craziness. Women wore corsetts and showed A LOT of cleavage. Some of the men didn't wear much of anything. Others were dressed as dragons and other creatures. I don't know how much of this the boys noticed, but at one time they both said they were scared! They relaxed a little when they started playing games and eating. When we left my dad bought both of them a wooden sword. I think they had fun overall. Bryson asked if we could go back next year.

Saturday night we stayed with my little sister at her apartment in College Station. Let's just say that not much sleep was to be had. Things don't get quiet down there until about 3 in the morning. I guess that's when everyone finally passes out! My sister and her roommates were not the ones partying. It was everyone else in the apartment complex! I finally fell asleep and the boys woke up at 6:30. I kept them as quiet as I could for a couple of hours. We finally left at 8:30 before anyone woke up! We got home at 11:30 and I took a short nap. We had some friends over yesterday afternoon to hang out. I was so tired this morning. I don't think I have fully recovered from our weekend, yet. Hopefully, I can get to sleep early tonight and get some rest.

Friday, November 7, 2008

Hooray for the Weekend

This has been a busy week, so I haven't had time to post until now. I should be cleaning the house so Drew doesn't have to tomorrow, but I am too tired to clean. I am not to tired to type, just too tired to clean! Drew had to go to Wichita Falls tonight to scout a game. He will be back very late tonight. The boys and I are leaving tomorrow morning to meet my Dad and step-mother in College Station. We are going to go to a Renaissance Festival that is somewhere down there. We won't be back until Sunday afternoon. Busy weekend ahead.

I made a gourmet meal tonight~chicken nuggets, mac 'n cheese and peas. Bryson sat down at the table and sighed heavily, "I am so sorry that you had to cook tonight, Mommy." He feels my pain.

Here is a video of Addison trying to jump. This was from earlier this week. Notice how the boys had to get in on the action too!

This one shows Addison climbing in her chair. Tonight I videoed her after her bath. Usually she does this first thing in the morning or right when we come home in the afternoon. This girl loves to eat!

Well, that's all for now. Hopefully I will get some good pictures this weekend. I will try to post on Sunday.

Sunday, November 2, 2008

Trick or Treat!

Okay, one of my blogger friends is going to have to tell me how to put the pictures where I want them! I haven't figured out how to do that, so these are not in the order I intended them to be in!

I thought Drew had some coaching obligation on Saturday, but that is NEXT weekend! So,I got "a wild hair" as Drew so lovingly said yesterday and decided I wanted to paint a room. I love to paint and just haven't done it since we moved in almost 2 years ago. (Okay, I painted Addison's room before she was born, but nobody ever sees that room so it doesn't count!) I felt like our house was too boring and needed some color. So, off we went to Home Depot. I told Drew we weren't going to stand there debating colors. I just wanted to get whatever color caught my eye first. We both reached for the same sample, so that's the one we chose! I painted for 12 hours straight. I only stopped to eat twice. Drew helped too, but he also did the laundry, kept up with the kids and made wonderful hamburgers for dinner! I was determined to finish in one day. I hate to leave things undone. So, I worked all day and we finished about 10:30 last night. I think it turned out great! Next, I will paint the kitchen, then the living room, then our room........ That's what wrong with painting~once you start there's no place to stop! This is going to be my year-long project. Whenever I have a free weekend, I am going to paint a room!

These pictures should have been first! Oh, well.

My three trick or treaters!

Addie cruising aroung the neighborhood!

Hi, pup pup!

I am the Fairy Princess!

I'm too cute to cause any trouble!

The kids had fun trick or treating Friday night. Drew was able to be with us this year which made it fun. Last year he helped at church. Bryson is an old pro at trick or treating. He is not shy at all. Jackson wanted to stop once he got a good amount of candy in his bag. He was also thirsty and told me to remember to bring water next year! Luckily at one of the housed they were handing our Capri Suns and he was able to get replenished so we could go a little longer. The boys were pretty good at remembering to say thank you at each house. Addison was just interested in going IN people's houses and playing with their puppies! At one house she made it in about 3 feet before Drew could stop her! She had no idea what was going on. Once she got some candy in her bag she would try to give it to the people at the next house when they answered their door! She spent most of her time riding in her car or talking to the dogs in the neighborhood! We lasted about an hour. Of course when we got home the boys dumped their bags out on the floor and sorted through the bounty!

Thursday, October 30, 2008

It's finally here!

This is what Jackson thought about the pumpkin's smell! He barely touched it because it "stunks."

Jackson was way more interested in the little friend he found while Drew and Bryson were finishing up the pumpkin.

And then there's Addie...


Let me just say that I am sooooooooooooooooooo glad this week is almost over. I won't go into details now, but I've had all I can stand and I can't stand no more!

Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Giving Thanks

I was talking (okay, whining) to one of my co-workers today about how stressed I am and how I don't have time to enjoy my kids because I am so busy all the time. I feel like I give so much of myself away to other people's kids during the day that I don't have time to enjoy my own. When I get home I am stressed out and end up yelling at my kids. I feel bad about it afterwards, of course, but I continue to do it day in and day out. She, my co-worker and friend, began reminding me about all the good things I have in my life. As she was speaking, tears began to fill my eyes. I know I have so much to be grateful for. I just need to slow down and notice all the wonderful blessings that fill my life.

My husband is the world's best! He takes care of my every need and doesn't even mind a little constructive criticism once in a while! He treats me like a princess and has since the day we met. I can honestly say that my wonderful husband has NEVER raised his voice to me in anger. I'm sure I have given him reason (although, I can't think of a single reason at this moment!), but he has never disrespected me in any way. I love him more than I ever thought possible. I feel that he loves me more each day. For this, I am thankful.

Drew and I are healthy. Okay, we may not be the greatest physical specimens. We are able to exercise. We feel good most days. We don't have any chronic illnesses. Drew may not have all his fingers or complete use of his left hand and arm, but he has adapted so well many people never notice. And if they do, who cares! :) We may not be the weight or size we want to be or that society tells us we "should" be, but we are healthy. For this, I am thankful.

My kids are healthy. When Bryson was born with his cleft lip I thought the bottom had dropped out of my world. I realize now what a minor thing that was. Yes, it was big at the time, but minor now. He was healthy and I thought he was the most beautiful baby I had ever seen. That situation also helped me realize that it is okay to have flaws. It is okay to be unique. It is okay to not be perfect. This is also going to help build character in him. Kids ask him what happened to his lip and he explains that that is how he was born and has had a couple of surgeries. Drew always says that kids are going to make fun of something and Bryson is learning how to deal with it. For this, I am thankful.

My kids are wonderful. Yes, they make mistakes. Yes, they argue. Yes, they require guidance and teaching. But they are wonderful kids. Bryson is a lot of help each day. Jackson is very independent and able to help me do some things around the house. Addison can throw away trash when I tell her to. They each contribute in their own special way. They bring me joy and make me laugh daily. I love them all with all my being. For this, I am thankful.

My extended family is loving and caring even when I don't feel like I deserve it. They have put up with me through good and bad and I'm sure that was a struggle at times! For this, I am thankful.

I have friends that love me and care about me. I enjoy spending time with them and their families. We laugh and cut up and have friendly banter. For this, I am thankful.

I have a great job that allows me time with my family in the summer and school holidays. I work with a great group of people who are becoming my friends. My principal is wonderful, supportive and encouraging. For these things, I am thankful.

I know God has blessed me with all of these people and things in my life. I know I have eternal life. For this I am eternally thankful. I also know that He loves me and wants me to be the best person and Christian I can be. (I will continue to work on this!) I know I don't deserve even a fraction of what I have, so I will be thankful. I appreciate my friend for showing me how much I have because some times I lose sight of these things.

So, when faced with a bad day, I will try to remember to be thankful for my many blessings!

Monday, October 27, 2008

Real or not real?

This is a question my kids ask all the time when they are watching t.v. Our DVR has really messed with their perception of reality. We will record movies or shows for them to watch on the weekends. They know they can fast-forward through the commercials. When they are watching a program that is not recorded, they don't understand why they can't skip the commercials. Jackson always yells out, "Skip it, Mom!" when the commercials come on. I try to explain that it hasn't happened yet, so you cannot skip it. Just imagine trying to explain this to a four-year old! Just a few years ago, (okay, months for us~we are slightly behind times!) this was not a problem. If they were watching a show, they knew they had to sit through the commercials. Now they are either asking to skip or trying to push the fast-forward button to make it skip. I am a little confused about this when I am listening to the radio. If I miss something that is said I find myself wondering where the rewind button is! I guess my kids and I will have to get used to our new reality!

Addison is saying some more words now.
no~ This one just started tonight. I was wondering when it would rear it's ugly head!
MeMe~ Drew's grandmother
waz at~ What's that
dat doo~ Thank you

Soon we won't be able to get her to be quiet!

I am counting down the days until Thanksgiving Break. I REALLY need a break!

Friday, October 24, 2008

Yo-Yos suck!

Jackson wanted to "sleep like a man" tonight so he is without a shirt. I guess he thinks men don't wear shirts to bed. I hope my "little man" doesn't get cold tonight!


I hope that doesn't offend you Grandmother and Granddad, but I have had my fill of yo-yos this week. I was approached several weeks ago by our counselor. She said the "Yo-Yo" guy would do a "free" assembly if we agreed to sell yo-yos for a week. Yes, I have done this before and knew better than to say yes, but I am a softie and have a difficult time saying no to someone. (No, this doesn't mean you can take advantage of me now!) So, against my better judgement, I agreed. I regretted this decision the very first day I started selling them! I have fixed more yo-yos this week than I care to remember. We have had yo-yos stolen and had a kid give me a check that was written out to another school, had the amount changed in kid handwriting and was written in September. Have I mentioned that I didn't even notice all of those things until our sweet secretary brought it to my attention a few hours after the kid "bought" $20 worth of yo-yos? We have taken away so many yo-yos this week from kids who evidentaly thought it was okay to start yoing even when lessons were being taught or when they were walking down the hallways. These are just the major things that have happened this week with yo-yos. Believe me, there were many more little things that happened in every class this week that have added up to major frustration. My only hope is that all the yo-yos will break beyond repair and I will never have to see another yo-yo again! And, no, I didn't buy any for my kids! I didn't even want them at home!

I was so tired when I got home after school. All I wanted to do was take a bath and go to bed. We have a busy weekend and I haven't been sleeping well this week. I started looking around and realized the house needed to be cleaned. So, instead of taking a bath and relaxing like I wanted to, I cleaned the WHOLE house. I just finished about an hour ago. The kids were real sweet with eachother the entire time, so I was able to work without interruption. Drew is scouting tonight and working a cross country meet tomorrow and I didn't want him to have to clean again. He hasn't let me clean at all the last several weeks, so I wanted to help him out. So, Sweetie, hopefully you will notice the clean house when you get home tonight! I'm so glad to have that out of the way! One less thing to do tomorrow.

It is almost 9:00 and I am going to go take a very hot bath in my very clean tub!