This is a question my kids ask all the time when they are watching t.v. Our DVR has really messed with their perception of reality. We will record movies or shows for them to watch on the weekends. They know they can fast-forward through the commercials. When they are watching a program that is not recorded, they don't understand why they can't skip the commercials. Jackson always yells out, "Skip it, Mom!" when the commercials come on. I try to explain that it hasn't happened yet, so you cannot skip it. Just imagine trying to explain this to a four-year old! Just a few years ago, (okay, months for us~we are slightly behind times!) this was not a problem. If they were watching a show, they knew they had to sit through the commercials. Now they are either asking to skip or trying to push the fast-forward button to make it skip. I am a little confused about this when I am listening to the radio. If I miss something that is said I find myself wondering where the rewind button is! I guess my kids and I will have to get used to our new reality!
Addison is saying some more words now.
no~ This one just started tonight. I was wondering when it would rear it's ugly head!
MeMe~ Drew's grandmother
waz at~ What's that
dat doo~ Thank you
Soon we won't be able to get her to be quiet!
I am counting down the days until Thanksgiving Break. I REALLY need a break!
Big Boo Cast: Episode 432
2 days ago
One time last year during the announcements, I missed something Mick said, and reached for the remote to try to rewind him...that's when I realized I have a problem!! ;o)
JANA!!!! I miss you and the kids....well Drew too! :) I'll have to come see y'all soon!
Well, I guess we are not missing much, because that's all we have is video's and DVD's, and we can do aything we want (or able to figure out) Fast forward is what life is seeming to be now days!
We really enjoyed Terry's friend and wife while they were here. They even sung in yesterday.
Ashley called to night. Good to hear from her and to know she has a "friend"!!!!!Can't wait to hear Addie say all her new words.
Talk to you later.
I didn't know Ashley was blogging. She didn't mention it.
Love you all,
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