I was talking (okay, whining) to one of my co-workers today about how stressed I am and how I don't have time to enjoy my kids because I am so busy all the time. I feel like I give so much of myself away to other people's kids during the day that I don't have time to enjoy my own. When I get home I am stressed out and end up yelling at my kids. I feel bad about it afterwards, of course, but I continue to do it day in and day out. She, my co-worker and friend, began reminding me about all the good things I have in my life. As she was speaking, tears began to fill my eyes. I know I have so much to be grateful for. I just need to slow down and notice all the wonderful blessings that fill my life.
My husband is the world's best! He takes care of my every need and doesn't even mind a little constructive criticism once in a while! He treats me like a princess and has since the day we met. I can honestly say that my wonderful husband has NEVER raised his voice to me in anger. I'm sure I have given him reason (although, I can't think of a single reason at this moment!), but he has never disrespected me in any way. I love him more than I ever thought possible. I feel that he loves me more each day. For this, I am thankful.
Drew and I are healthy. Okay, we may not be the greatest physical specimens. We are able to exercise. We feel good most days. We don't have any chronic illnesses. Drew may not have all his fingers or complete use of his left hand and arm, but he has adapted so well many people never notice. And if they do, who cares! :) We may not be the weight or size we want to be or that society tells us we "should" be, but we are healthy. For this, I am thankful.
My kids are healthy. When Bryson was born with his cleft lip I thought the bottom had dropped out of my world. I realize now what a minor thing that was. Yes, it was big at the time, but minor now. He was healthy and I thought he was the most beautiful baby I had ever seen. That situation also helped me realize that it is okay to have flaws. It is okay to be unique. It is okay to not be perfect. This is also going to help build character in him. Kids ask him what happened to his lip and he explains that that is how he was born and has had a couple of surgeries. Drew always says that kids are going to make fun of something and Bryson is learning how to deal with it. For this, I am thankful.
My kids are wonderful. Yes, they make mistakes. Yes, they argue. Yes, they require guidance and teaching. But they are wonderful kids. Bryson is a lot of help each day. Jackson is very independent and able to help me do some things around the house. Addison can throw away trash when I tell her to. They each contribute in their own special way. They bring me joy and make me laugh daily. I love them all with all my being. For this, I am thankful.
My extended family is loving and caring even when I don't feel like I deserve it. They have put up with me through good and bad and I'm sure that was a struggle at times! For this, I am thankful.
I have friends that love me and care about me. I enjoy spending time with them and their families. We laugh and cut up and have friendly banter. For this, I am thankful.
I have a great job that allows me time with my family in the summer and school holidays. I work with a great group of people who are becoming my friends. My principal is wonderful, supportive and encouraging. For these things, I am thankful.
I know God has blessed me with all of these people and things in my life. I know I have eternal life. For this I am eternally thankful. I also know that He loves me and wants me to be the best person and Christian I can be. (I will continue to work on this!) I know I don't deserve even a fraction of what I have, so I will be thankful. I appreciate my friend for showing me how much I have because some times I lose sight of these things.
So, when faced with a bad day, I will try to remember to be thankful for my many blessings!
Big Boo Cast: Episode 432
1 day ago
Jana - I'm beginning to worry about getting fired - I'm just sayin'...
Your Grandmother is very thankful for you and your family, and can't wait till Thanksgiving!
Grandmother, Love you!
I too am thankful for you. I think of you almost continuously. I hurt when you hurt, laugh when you laugh, and nearly cry when you cry!) I love to hold you and feel your skin and smell your intoxicating smell. You are my princess, my best friend, and mi esposa! Do you like it when I hablo espanol? ILU
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