Laura, my sweet friend and Bryson's former Kindergarten teacher, asked Bryson to have breakfast with him this morning. You cannot imagine the excitement in this little boy! This morning he woke up excited and ready to go to school. I didn't even have to ask him to brush his teeth! When we had to stop for a red light he would let out a big sigh. When the light would turn green he would say, "There! Finally!" He watched the clock relentlessly. In the car he told me he "couldn't wait for his date with Miss S."
"A date?" I asked.
"Yes, Mom, it's a date."
"Well, I guess I should tell you that you don't kiss on the first date!"
"Mom, it's our second date and if you kiss your teacher it's illegal."
Maybe when he is 16 I will call girls "teachers" instead of girls and see if this still holds true!
Thank you, Laura, for loving my little boy. You are such a positive influence in his life. I appreciate your willingness and desire to give up your time to be with him!
This has been a L-O-N-G week! I am so tired and ready for the weekend. I have been selling yo-yos all week at school and I am already sick to death of yo-yos! Yes, I agreed to sell them, but there has been one problem after another. I have said that I will NEVER agree to do this again. So, if you hear me debating about agreeing to do this again, just slap me!
Jackson is so glad it is getting cooler. He likes to wear his "cowboy pants." This is what he calls jeans! He is the cutest little thing ever!
Addison has been in a pretty good mood this week which makes things a little easier in the evenings. She even sat in my lap the other evening. She is NOT a snuggler, but she climbed up in my lap Monday evening and lay her head on my shoulder. "Is she sick?" I wondered. I even reached up to feel her forehead. Nope, felt fine to me. After a couple of minutes she got down. "Well, that was nice while it lasted," I thought. She came back with her blanket and climbed up again. I started singing to her and talking to her. She stayed about 30 minutes! She NEVER does this. I enjoyed every second of our snuggle time. I don't know when I will get to do this again.
Time for dinner. I will try to have some more exciting stories next time. Don't forget to check out Drew's blog if you get a chance. He is such a sweet guy. He is really venturing out of his comfort zone with his blog and I am very proud of him!
Big Boo Cast: Episode 432
2 days ago
YOU are too sweet! I enjoy every minute with your kiddo! It was a treat for me! I love that I can just hang out with him, and laugh and have fun! He is such a neat little guy!
I can't wait for yo-yo sales to end as well!
Down with yo-yo's!!!! I look forward to our investigation tomorrow (when I say 'looking forward', I mean 'dread').
I have seen yo-yos all over the place. Flying through the air...twirling around and around...on the name it. And, I don't have to be around them every minute of the day. Sorry about that Jana!
That story about Bryson and Shipley made me smile.
And I agree, down with the yo-yos.
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