Yesterday we drove down to College Station. My friend, Stefanie, and her son, Connor, went with us. We left early in the morning and arrived around 10:30. Stefanie was able to see her daughter, Katelyn, who is a freshman at A and M and I was able to see my little sister, Pily, who is in her second year there. Stefanie and Connor went to the game and Pily showed us around their amazing campus! We walked all over that place. They boys favorite place was the convenience store in the MSC!
I made a huge mistake yesterday and didn't realize it until we drove into College Station. I wore an orange shirt! Yes, that's right, orange! Jackson did, too. I really didn't think about wearing marroon. I don't have a marroon shirt. Bryson wore his A and M shirt, but Drew got him dressed yesterday. Jackson doesn't have an A and M shirt, and Drew just happened to put an orange shirt on him. I didn't even realize Jackson and I had on the same color shirt until we got in the car. My shirt really stood out yesterday, though, among all the marroon! I know people thought we were Longhorn fans. I felt like I was stared at all day! I thought about buying us a t-shirt at the bookstore, but I'm cheap! I was waiting until we went to the tent sale! Jackson has a shirt, now, but I still don't. I didn't find anything really cute that I wanted. Next time I go, though, I WILL find a marroon shirt. I will NEVER wear orange to College Station again. I promise!
We finally got home last night around 9:30. When we were in Waco I noticed a Valero station had gas for $2.61! I had enough to get home, but I had to take advantage of that price. After about 10 minutes I thought about leaving, but we already had time invested so we stayed. We waited in line for over 20 minutes just to get to the pump, but when you drive a Suburban it is worth the wait! I haven't seen it that low in months! Hopefully, we will see that price around here soon.
So, our very short road trip was fun. The boys enjoyed playing together and Stefanie and I had some good conversations! Thanks for going with us! I hope we can do that again some day!
Here is the list of words that Addie can say right now:
guys (She yells this when she wants the boys' attention!)
Jessie (our black lab)
Belle Belle (our small dog- a mutt)
mine (She says this A LOT!)
Uh Oh!
Yee Haw (She is a Texan, y'all!)
nana (banana)
mo (more)
hi (With a little Texas accent~ so cute!)
bye bye (Sounds like bye buy eee.)
pretty (This was actually her first word!)
ni nite
shoe (Gotta love a girl who loves her shoes!)
shooee (Right before or during a stinky diaper change!)
ta da
cheese (When I am taking her picture she says this!)
baboo (baby)
sit down (My grandmother taught her this one!)
I will add more as she learns them. I love it when she learns a new word! She has the sweetest little (well, big) voice!
So glad you had a good time, orange shirt and all!!!!You can put "sit-down" on Addie's words. Of course I taught her that!!!!!!
I tried to comment on Drew's blog but it didn't have an anounyous. Grandad didn't know how he got it in the first place.
Went to church AM & PM, so that's about all around here. Grandad hasn't said any cute things today and I guess I haven't either!! Any day now!
Love You
I had a great time with you guys yesterday, and so did Connor. That's all he's talked about today...when can I see Bryson again? He really has fun with him.
As for the burnt orange shirt, it sure helped me find you when I was looking for you before the game. You are right. YOU STOOD OUT!
I will send the pictures I took later tonight or hopefully tomorrow. I just have been so busy catching up today. We were heathens and skipped church.
You have the cutest Grandmother! I just love reading her posts. The part about Grandad hasn't said any cute things today really cracked me up.
See you tomorrow! Love ya!
So I'm looking at the pictures on your blog and thinking, "Boy that kid looks JUST LIKE Stefanie's son..." Then I got down to the words part! I bet that was a really fun trip. I loved it when my sister came to visit me when I was in college (or really any family members).
Yea for your updates AND pictures! You are doing such a great job at blogging. :) Looks like ya'll had fun!
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