I have decided to brag on Drew a bit. If you know Drew, you know how wonderfully he treats me. It is time for me to brag on him a bit because I certainly don't tell him enough how awesome he is! Sorry, Sweetie! Hopefully this will make up for some of the times I didn't take the time to thank you properly.
Drew gets up early each morning to make our lunches and at least once a week makes me a breakfast sandwich! It is really yummy! I never have to worry about what's for lunch because he takes care of it for me. He has been doing this for years, without complaint! He also makes sure Bryson's planner is signed and takes care of all necessary school papers. We both help him with homework, but Drew takes care of all the other stuff. He gets the kids dressed and fed in the mornings. All I have to do is worry about myself and do Addison's hair. As awesome as Drew is, he still can't do her hair! Any time he is able, he drops Jackson and Addison off at Miss Linda's so I can have a few extra minutes in the morning. He e-mail or texts me almost daily to find out how my day is going and to tell me he loves me. The nights he is home, he takes care of dinner. The nights he isn't home, he tries to plan and/or cook ahead of time so I don't have to worry about dinner. You know, from previous posts, how I HATE to cook! He loves to rub my feet and I, of course, take full advantage of this! If he knows I need some alone time, he is always willing to let me have it. He does the laundry, without complaint. He cleans the house, without complaint. He always tells me I am "off duty" on the weekends and don't really have to do anything but relax and take care of myself! You may be asking yourself what exactly it is that I do! I help do laundry and clean, but he says he would rather do it so I don't have to! How many men would say/do that? Basically, Drew treats me like a princess. I jokingly say that I deserve it considering how awful I was treated by some people in my past! I often wonder when he is going to get tired of treating me so well. We have been married for over 11 years and he hasn't even slowed down yet! If anything, he does more than he used to. There is so much more that he does, but Drew has dinner ready and I have to go eat!
So, Drew, I love you with all my heart and appreciate you and all you do for me and our family. You are a wonderful example to the boys about how a wife should be treated. Hopefully, they will learn from you and treat their wives with as much respect and love as you show me. It is my hope that Addison will find a husband to treat her as well as you treat me. I hope and pray she will not settle for anything less than what she is learning through your example. I know I am not always easy to love, but you do it without fail. Thank you for being you and for your unconditional and unceasing love. You are AWESOME!
Big Boo Cast: Episode 432
3 days ago
I bet all your blogging friends are envious of you!!As we have always said you are so blessed. We appreciate Drew taking such good care of you. I was twice blessed as I got to stay home and play house!!!sounds wonderful! Of course it was not easy but rewarding. The more you tell him how much you appreciate him, the more he wants to do! We are funny like that!!
Thanks for blogging & we love you.
2 more days and you will have been with us 1 more year to enjoy.
Funny you posted this today. I was just talking (back when I still had a voice)to my friend Mechele the other night about you and Drew and how wonderfully he treats you and how lucky you are to have such a wonderful man in your life.
I don't know if you've noticed, but I've decided to try this blog thing for myself. Not too sure how it will all work out, but we'll see!
Never mind...you have noticed. I just found your comment!
Yay Drew! I often feel spoiled rotten by John, but I couldn't be more thankful for him!
Happy Birthday!
Aww I love this! Unfortunately boys at my age are not mature so maybe ill have to shoot for older guys?? you definitely hit jackpot!
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