Wednesday, February 4, 2009

Laundry, Kids and Singing

This is how much laundry we go through in a week. And if you ever come over during the week, you will see our clean laundry on the dining room table. This is where we fold it after each load and we leave it here until it is all finished. That way we only have to make one trip to each room. Pretty efficient, huh?




Turn up the volume so you can hear Addie singing her ABCs. Okay, she can't actually say the letters, but she has the tune down. Be patient~ she takes about 30 seconds to get going. Not bad for a 19 month old!


Stefanie said...

So cute!!! That's a lot of laundry...I don't envy you!

Anonymous said...

Oh, How I wish I had sound!! But I will one day! But enjoy the pictures a lot! Enjoyed talking to Jackson last night, tell Bryson he will have to call somtime.
Love you all!

Anonymous said...

What a little sweetie. Thanks for sharing!
