to grandmother's house we go. Bryson was the only one lucky enough to be able to go to my favorite place in the entire world. Friday we had a staff development day, so Bryson was off from school. My grandparents were going back home (They had been in Krum with my uncle.) and I thought it might be a good idea if Bryson went with them. I have never let him go before, but I thought now would be a good time. Don't think I didn't second guess myself several times about it, because I did. But, he needed some alone time with people who would give him all the attention he craves right now. So, off he went. He was afraid we would forget what he looked like, but I assured him that three days is not long enough to forget someone! Yes, I have called many times to check on him and he seems to be fine~ great in fact. He loves it up there and so do we.
Friday Miss Linda called and said Jackson had thrown up. So, we started another weekend not knowing where this would go. I can tell that Jackson has lost some weight since he has been sick, so this morning I put him on the scale. He is down to 39 pounds! So he probably lost six or seven pounds in the last two weeks. That's a lot when you are that little. Operation Fatten Jack Up is going to start tomorrow!
This morning we opened all the windows, even though it was 48 degrees, and tried to air everything out. Drew was sweet enough to clean the entire house while I spent some time being selfish. (I went to the gym for an hour and a half and went to Kohl's and Target.) I don't want to jinx us anymore with sickness, so I will stop blogging about it right now!
Poor Jack hasn't known what to do with himself with Bryson gone. Playing with his sister is just not an option for him. I did buy the movie "Horton Hears a Who" at Target and he has watched it a couple of times. We were even able to take a nap while he was watching. He keeps asking when we are going to go get Bryson. Here's hoping "absence makes the heart grow fonder" so they will appreciate and enjoy each other when they are reunited tomorrow. I want him back, too. I like to have all my kids in the same place. I feel safer that way!
Jackson: I don't want to be five. I want to stay four.
Me: Why? Don't you want to be five so you can go to school?
Jackson: I don't want to go to school?
Me: Why not?
Jackson: TAKS test.
Sorry this post was all over the place. We don't have a lot going on~ thankfully.
Big Boo Cast: Episode 432
3 days ago
I so miss you guys. I feel like it's been forever since we just hung out and laughed at stupid, inappropriate things. I hope Jack is feeling better now. Tell him I owe him lots of kisses and I will wrestle him for them! Love you guys.
As soon as everyone gets well we will have to hang out. We could even play cards if Breon is willing! As skinny as Jackson is right now, you could put your hands around him and they would touch! We miss y'all very much.
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