Jackson went back to the doctor today. His chest is still rattling and he is coughing like crazy, but he hasn't had a fever in about two days. His appetite is coming back, also. (A couple of donuts helped it along this morning!) He went about five days without eating much of anything. He has been drinking a little, though, so that is good.
Since he was feeling a little better and we were in Grapevine at the doctor's office, I stopped by Academy to get a few things. I could not have picked a better day to go. They have all their clearance an additional 50% off through Monday! Usually I can't ever find anything my size on clearance. Today I hit the jackpot! They had Nike hoodies for 9.88! They are regularly $40. I got three! I found some Russell sweat pants and some Nike long sleeve t-shirt for $4.88! I found Drew some t-shirts for $4.88 and two for $1.44! The boys got a couple of t-shirts for $4.88, also. They didn't really have anything in Addison's size. She is really a couple of years or so away from fitting into their clothes. Jackson got some New Balance shoes for $9.88. They are the next size up, so he probably won't be able to wear them for a couple of months. I got Bryson some Saucony running shoes for $12.44. I love finding a bargain! Anyway, if you are in need of some casual clothes or workout clothes, go to Academy this weekend. I'm sure you will find some deals!
We are going to stay home this weekend and try to recover. Bryson has a basketball game tomorrow and that is the only place I plan on going. Thanks to everyone who was concerned about Jack and asked about him daily. I know your prayers helped!
Big Boo Cast: Episode 432
3 days ago
So glad to hear that Jackson is getting better, though I know it may take him a while to fully recover. Have a good weekend and enjoy your sweet fam! Happy Valentine's Day!
I love deals like those! I'm glad Jackson is on the mend. Also, I love how you change your background for each season - this one is so pretty!
I love a good deal! Brian is going to swing by Academy tomorrow~ thanks for the head's up on that. :)
So glad Jackson is starting to feel better. I'm sure that has been scary. Take care, and we'll see you soon!
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