Monday, February 9, 2009

Jumping, Eating, the "Look," and Dancing

This is what Ms. Kecia got Addie for Christmas. We finally inflated it today and she LOVED it. She jumped for about 20 minutes before wearing herself out. Thanks, Kecia!

Jackson was feeling good enough to eat a Push-Up. He has been such a trooper. He tries so hard to feel better. Look at that smile. What a sweet boy.

I was drying Addison's hair last night and she insisted on wearing Bryson's sunglasses. I just had to stop for the photo op.

This is the look we get when we try to get Addison to do something she doesn't want to do. We call it the "McKay Look." Dad, you understand where she gets it, don't you? I think I have been guilty of giving the look a time or two.

The video is of Addison "dancing." She loves to dance to the song, "I Like to Move It," from the Madagasgar movies. She looks so serious when she is dancing. She just cracks me up! I won't tell you who taught her that slapping her bootie is dancing. You will just have to guess for yourselves!


Katie said...

Wow, Jana. The dance skills are...interesting. Good thing she's so cute! Clearly you're a wonderful dance instructor. I can't wait until she does that in school someday & you get the call about the booty slapping!