This weekend has been so long. Great thing, right? Wrong. It has been long because my little Jack man is sick. I picked him up at Miss Linda's on Friday and he was sitting in a chair wrapped in a blanket. She said she had just given him some Motrin because he had a 101 degree fever. She knew I would be there shortly, so she didn't call.
I took him home and we changed our plans for the evening. My cousin's girl and their FAVORITE babysitter, Ashley, was supposed to come over so Drew and I could go out to eat and spend some time together. We ended up staying home and eating Sonic for dinner. Jackson ate just fine and even had some ice cream for dessert.
He ran a temperature all night and we gave him Motrin and Tylenol. Saturday morning he ate breakfast and said he felt better. About an hour later, when the medicine wore off, he felt bad. I put him in the bathtub and when he got out he was nauseous. He ended up throwing up and felt a little better after that. I cancelled our plans for that evening, also.
Drew slept with him last night so he wouldn't have to come find us if he needed something in the middle of the night. Drew said he talked in his sleep all night and even woke up asking to have his hair fixed! He coughed all night, too.
He is still running a temperature and still feels bad. He kept saying earlier that his "head is going to throw up." I don't know what he means by that. He says that his head hurts and that's all that hurts. I don't think it is a stomach virus because he is eating and wants to eat. I don't know if it could be the flu. He has been stuffy and has been coughing. On Friday he kept saying his back hurt.
I will be staying home from work tomorrow to take care of him. I feel so sorry for him. He is trying to be a trooper. He wants to feel better and tries to feel better, but he just feels so bad he ends up just laying down wherever he is. It is so sad. My kids have always been so healthy that it is hard to see him like this. If you will, say a little prayer for Jack. Just pray for his comfort and that his little body will get better soon. Thanks so much!
Big Boo Cast: Episode 432
3 days ago
Bless his heart! I will definitely say a prayer for him. I'll bet he does have the flu. Connor started running a temp yesterday of 103.6 and I'm thinking he's got it, too. He's at his dad's house, which is hard. So, I'll pray for your little Jack, and you say a prayer for Connor, too! See you when you get back to work!
Poor little Jack, I will say a prayer for him to get better. Tim was home with flu like symptoms last week and I had 6 kids out last week with the same symptoms. Hope he gets better soon!
You know Grandad & I have been praying for him. It just makes me fell so sad when one of them is sick, because I can't do a thing. Sure hope Bryson doesn't get "it". I just wish I was there to hold him and try to keep him warm. Sorry you didn't get to have a night out! Tell him Grandmother loves him very much and don't want him to feel so bad, and if I could I would just say a magic word and he would be all better.
Tell Jackson I won't say a little prayer , I will say a great big one! Hope he feels better tomorrow and of course we are praying for you all.
Love You all,Grandmother
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