Sunday, November 16, 2008

DIY Weekend

This is the view from the kitchen into the living room. Can you see the red carnations from my Pumpkin Pal over two weeks ago! They are still looking good, Katie! Thanks, again!

This is the hallway that took almost 3 hours to paint. The kid's rooms, guest room and bathroom are down the hall.

This is the living room. (I guess you could have figured that one out for yourself!)

This is the view from the kitchen into the front of the house. We painted that room a couple of weeks ago.

Again, the kitchen.
We painted ALL day yesterday. We started at 8:00 and finished 16 hours later! Yes, we even made it to church this morning. And yes, we will be taking naps shortly! The kids behaved fairly well. Drew was amazing again. He helped paint and made the meals. I only stopped twice to eat. I did promise that I wouldn't ask to paint again for a couple of months~ although, I don't think he believes me. I still need to paint the bedrooms (except for Addie's) and the bathrooms. I would like to paint the laundry room eventually. Drew doesn't understand why, but I'm sure I can convince him in due time! :) This is all I have for today. Time for lunch and a nap!


Laura said...

WOW!!!! Looks great!

Katie said...

I love it! Nice job - you got a lot done!

Anonymous said...

Looks great! Made me tired to think of all the work.
Can't wait till Thanksgiving!!!
Love you
Oh, yes I set up a blog the other but can't figure out how to send one?????
Stupid or just old????