Friday, November 7, 2008

Hooray for the Weekend

This has been a busy week, so I haven't had time to post until now. I should be cleaning the house so Drew doesn't have to tomorrow, but I am too tired to clean. I am not to tired to type, just too tired to clean! Drew had to go to Wichita Falls tonight to scout a game. He will be back very late tonight. The boys and I are leaving tomorrow morning to meet my Dad and step-mother in College Station. We are going to go to a Renaissance Festival that is somewhere down there. We won't be back until Sunday afternoon. Busy weekend ahead.

I made a gourmet meal tonight~chicken nuggets, mac 'n cheese and peas. Bryson sat down at the table and sighed heavily, "I am so sorry that you had to cook tonight, Mommy." He feels my pain.

Here is a video of Addison trying to jump. This was from earlier this week. Notice how the boys had to get in on the action too!

This one shows Addison climbing in her chair. Tonight I videoed her after her bath. Usually she does this first thing in the morning or right when we come home in the afternoon. This girl loves to eat!

Well, that's all for now. Hopefully I will get some good pictures this weekend. I will try to post on Sunday.


Katie said...

She's so cute! I like how her feet never seem to leave the floor in the first one. :-)

Laura said...

Too cute! Love the new background!

Stefanie said...

You know...if I worked that hard to get in my chair every time I ate, I probably wouldn't have a weight problem! LOL I love the videos...especially the jumping! The boys are so good with her.

I hope you guys have a great time in College Station and at the festival! Katelyn said she thought it was about 30 mins. away. She's been sick this week...I should have sent her some chicken soup by you! :)

Heather said...

I love the videos! That was really funny when the boys were jumping with Addison.