Sunday, November 2, 2008

Trick or Treat!

Okay, one of my blogger friends is going to have to tell me how to put the pictures where I want them! I haven't figured out how to do that, so these are not in the order I intended them to be in!

I thought Drew had some coaching obligation on Saturday, but that is NEXT weekend! So,I got "a wild hair" as Drew so lovingly said yesterday and decided I wanted to paint a room. I love to paint and just haven't done it since we moved in almost 2 years ago. (Okay, I painted Addison's room before she was born, but nobody ever sees that room so it doesn't count!) I felt like our house was too boring and needed some color. So, off we went to Home Depot. I told Drew we weren't going to stand there debating colors. I just wanted to get whatever color caught my eye first. We both reached for the same sample, so that's the one we chose! I painted for 12 hours straight. I only stopped to eat twice. Drew helped too, but he also did the laundry, kept up with the kids and made wonderful hamburgers for dinner! I was determined to finish in one day. I hate to leave things undone. So, I worked all day and we finished about 10:30 last night. I think it turned out great! Next, I will paint the kitchen, then the living room, then our room........ That's what wrong with painting~once you start there's no place to stop! This is going to be my year-long project. Whenever I have a free weekend, I am going to paint a room!

These pictures should have been first! Oh, well.

My three trick or treaters!

Addie cruising aroung the neighborhood!

Hi, pup pup!

I am the Fairy Princess!

I'm too cute to cause any trouble!

The kids had fun trick or treating Friday night. Drew was able to be with us this year which made it fun. Last year he helped at church. Bryson is an old pro at trick or treating. He is not shy at all. Jackson wanted to stop once he got a good amount of candy in his bag. He was also thirsty and told me to remember to bring water next year! Luckily at one of the housed they were handing our Capri Suns and he was able to get replenished so we could go a little longer. The boys were pretty good at remembering to say thank you at each house. Addison was just interested in going IN people's houses and playing with their puppies! At one house she made it in about 3 feet before Drew could stop her! She had no idea what was going on. Once she got some candy in her bag she would try to give it to the people at the next house when they answered their door! She spent most of her time riding in her car or talking to the dogs in the neighborhood! We lasted about an hour. Of course when we got home the boys dumped their bags out on the floor and sorted through the bounty!


Stefanie said...

The room looks great, and so do the kids! I'm sure they had a blast. Connor had Bryson's problem, and fussed at me continuously about not bringing a bottle of water. Finally, we got to a house that noticed he was hot and offered him a drink. I've was so grateful! :)

Where has the weekend gone????

Stefanie said... was Jackson that was thirsty...sorry!

Laura said...

Ok professional painter! My bathroom needs HELP! It still looks terrible up close! I am going to hire you next time!
Looks like ya'll had a fun weekend.

Anonymous said...

Oh, how I wish I could have been there to see all the fun and the cute little "gobblyn's". The little princess is my "princess" I bet the people didn't mind her coming in, or I wouldn't!!!
Love You,

Anonymous said...

Oh, yes the rooms look great!!!!

Katie said...

Fun weekend for you! The rooms look great - John and I did the same thing in August. We painted the dining room, living room, and kitchen. The kids look awesome in theri costumes - I love that Addie was completely lost.

Megan said...

Paint - Awesome!

Kids - Adorable!