Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Outside Fun!

Last week we went on a "girls walk." Drew came along, too. He was taking the pictures. I LOVE to get out and walk in the country. You can see so much more walking than you can riding. Two of my cousins' girls went with us. They were great walkers and didn't complain at all. Thanks, Caitlin and Delaney!

Drew tied a rope at the top of a hill for the kids to climb. This was on of their favorite activities. Many times they asked to go to the "yellow rope." When we were young we liked to climb a different, but similiar hill. We called it the "avalanche" because it is make of shale and it would crumble under our feet on each step.

Jackson on the "yellow rope." This was the first time he was actually able to climb the rope without assistance. He was so proud of himself when he reached the top. It is only about 9 or 10 feet high, but that's a lot when you are four!

The last day we were in Oklahoma the five of us spent some time together at the creek. The kids threw rocks in the water and Drew and I were able to talk and spend time together. We love it there and really miss it when we have to leave. I am so thankful that all my kids love it as much as we do. I hope we have many, many more years of enjoyment there!

Me and my babies at the creek! I can just hear it rushing over the rocks. I love that sound!

Jackson enjoying the cool (er, cold) water! We all had our shoes off at one poing and enjoyed our country foot bath.

Delaney (7), Bryson (8), Emily (5), Caitlin (9), Jackson (4), Cameron (10) and Addison (20 months) playing at the church playground. They had a great time together last week. Bryson cried for about an hour when we left because he already missed his "cousins" so much. He cried again when we crossed the Red River and entered Texas because "we weren't in Oklahoma anymore." He would live up there if he could!

On Sunday I took Bryson to Bear Creek Park to ride our bikes. We spent some time together and rode 5 or 6 miles. I decided to go back home and get Jackson and Addison and take them back to the park. Bryson was too tired from our ride, so it was just me and the two little ones. They had such a great time playing together. Addison thinks she is a big girl and wanted to go down the biggest slide all by herself. The slide was over 10 feet high, but she wasn't scared at all. There is NO WAY we would have ever let Bryson go down that high of a slide at her age. We were so over-protective of him! She just won't stand for our protection! She is going to do what she wants to do! That trait is a little scary now, but it will come in handy as she gets older (hopefully!).

Jackson climbing on the playground. Isn't he just the cutest thing?

He even wanted to push his little sister on the swing. Addison loves to go as high as possible! She is just not afraid of anything!
Well, those were some highlights from our Spring Break. We had a very relaxing and enjoyable week together. I am so thankful that Drew and I have the same work schedule so we are able to spend time together. Only 10 weeks until summer break~ bring it on!


Laura said...

I love the little feet in the river! Precious!

Stefanie said...

I second the "bring it on" emotion!!!!

Sarah said...

PRECIOUS! Bryson and I have opposite reactions about Okalahoma, though...despite the fact that I love to do all the "country" things that you've mentioned...I don't think I'd cry when leaving the state.

You have really cute kids!

Jana said...

Sarah, you must have some major bad history with Oklahoma! My sister and I used to cry like Bryson does every time we had to leave my grandparent's house, also. He comes by it naturally! I am so glad he loves it up there and realizes what a treat it is to be able to go there and do the fun things we do! It's paradise for little boys.

Anonymous said...

Jana, Thanks for the pictures of the kids and the comments. I remember those days fondly. I too hope that you will have the opportunity to continue going to the "pond" and "creek" for many years to come and that the kids continue to enjoy the experience.
I love you all,

Anonymous said...

So good to re-live the days you were at the "pond". I miss you all so much, (after I got the house back in order!!!!!Ha!!!!) The Dr appt's are over so guess we will go home tomorrow. Terry is doing better today. The "girls" can come over if they need them this week-end, and Rhonda will take Terry to Dr. Mon.
Wish we could have stayed longer last night. I loved the way Addie said "hi, grandmama" or I think that's what she said!
So proud of Bryson, and so glad he wanted to call and let us know.
Now we will have to figure out a time Jackson & Bryson can come to Okla!!
Love you all,