Friday, March 27, 2009

Old Do

This is the haircut my dad referred to in his comment in my last post. I DID look like a boy~ a boy in a homemade pink dress. This was about 1976 and boys wore their hair long on top. I was usually dressed in a t-shirt, cut-off shorts and long tube socks. I was not the most feminine of little girls. I believe the ONLY time I even wore dresses was for church or pictures. I think I closely resembled Nicholas from Eight is Enough. (If you are younger than, let's say, 30 you won't have a clue about Eight is Enough!)

This is a picture of Nicholas from Eight is Enough. Is there a resemblance? I don't know, maybe not.

A few years after this wonderful picture my grandparents took me and my sister on a trip to Disney Land. I REALLY wanted a set of Mickey Mouse ears with my name embroidered on them. My grandparents were nice enough to let me have some. The girl working at that booth (Yes, I remember this vividly!) asked me what name I wanted on the ears. When I told her "Jana" she asked, "Are you buying these for your girlfriend?" So began the quest to grow my hair out! You can see why my concern for getting my hair cut really short is a REAL concern! I just hope no one ever has to ask my kids if I am their mom or their dad!


Stefanie said...

I don't think you'll have to worry about that! You don't look like a "dad"! :)

Anonymous said...

I remember the day well. I felt so sorry for you, for them thinking my precious little "girl" was a boy. And where did you get the picture of Nichalas??
Love You,

Dad said...

You were too pretty to be a boy! You and Jamie were the cutest little girls in Amarillo. No one would ever mistake you for Drew though he is cute also, in a manly way of course.
Love you,