This is going to be a LONG post, so I understand if you don't read it all! I am going to go through everything (that I can remember) from the past 10 days or so. Here goes!
The Thursday before school was out Miss Linda had her annual Christmas party. All the kids were there and she had presents for each one. She knows them so well and always picks just the right gift! Addison got some dress up things and some brushes to do hair. They also exchanged names and had a gift from one of their friends. We have been going to her Christmas party for 10 years and I am going to miss it when Addison no longer goes to her house. We may just have to show up anyway!
That night Pily came up from College Station to visit. My kids love it when she comes up and she is always so attentive with them. On Friday, she watched them so Drew and I could do some last minute shopping. We even got to have lunch together. We had a good time talking, laughing, shopping and just being together. Thanks again, Pily! On Saturday, we decorated the gingerbread house. Pily and I did most of the work. We were a little too possessive and controlling to let the kids help! They helped a little, but not much. That afternoon my dad and Espy came up. We had Christmas with them and Drew made a wonderful dinner.
We had planned to go up to Oklahoma after they left. My granddad came down with the flu, so we decided to wait and see how he felt on Monday before we decided whether to go or not.
Christmas evening, my Aunt Pat and her youngest two boys (Damon and Corey) came up to visit. I haven't seen Corey in at least five years, so it was fun to see him. We see Damon every once in a while, but it was good to see him again, too. My kids thought Corey was awesome and had fun following him around and playing with him. He even took the boys on a long walk. I know they will be talking about him for a long time.
This is a view of the pond. The water level is way up because of all the rain on Wednesday and Thursday.
Saturday, we just played around. Damon took Jackson riding around in his Jeep. Jackson thought that was really cool. We dug around a storage building they have up there. It was fun looking at some old things. There was a box of my mom's things and even a box of Halloween stuff my sister had bought almost 18 years ago. I don't know why those things were saved, but it was fun going through them. Just things, but reminders of who mom and Jamie were.